Ch 6 pt 1

606 22 15

Date 8, year 1*hehehe!*, month April.

Patient is asleep. Has not woken up since their accident. They will cry at times in his sleep. When given a yellow bear in time he would hug it in their sleep. When not given in time, his eyes will open and starts to scream as loud as they can, while their head wound opens up again.

Date 28, year 1*No! Hehe!*, month June.

the child has woken up for a bit each week, after his heart stopped he "woke up" and started screaming, stare at the wall. without blinking. saying "Why didn't you save me?" "why did you hurt me brother?" "please listen to me dad.." "mommy please don't leave me!" "Why were you the favorite sister?" they were more but this one stood out the most "You never did put me back together....." after that we decided to put him in a Aslyum.

Date 1, Year 1*don't be nosey now!*, Month September.

We have aquire the notes from the subject previous hospital. Apparently this is a special person who survived a type of machine that bitten into the sides of their skull.

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