Part 1

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I was sitting on my bed in my dorm room when i got a text message. I read it to myself aloud. "Dear Mal, You are an amazing person who deserves to have the love of her life. I thought about it and realized that's not me. Don't take this the wrong way but I'm breaking up with you. It's for the best. Sincerely, king Ben." I stood there, shocked. Was he being serious or was this a joke? I thought we were happy together and that we were in love. Or at least I know I loved him. A tear rolled down my face. My heart was broken. I wasn't sure if I could ever love again. Soon I found myself just standing there crying hard. I laid down on my bed and cried for the rest of the night.

Today was such a great day. Doug told me he loves me for the first time. I said goodbye to him after our date and walked back to my dorm room and opened the door to find Mal lying on her bed with the blankets pulled over her head. "Mal? Are you asleep?" She didn't respond so I pulled the blanket off of her. She was lying there with tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were puffy and red. It looked like she had been crying for hours. I got concerned. "Mal? Why are you sad? What happened?" She just stared at me and didn't reply. "Fine. If you won't tell me what's wrong then I'll just tell Carlos and Jay to come over so we can all try to make you talk." I texted Carlos and Jay and told them it was an emergency. No more than a minute passed and they both ran into the room and were out of breath. "What's the emergency???" Jay asked. I simply pointed at Mal.

After evie pointed at the bed I lifted the covers to see Mal lying there, crying. I'm not exactly sure why but it hurt me to see her like this. I felt a pain in my chest. Something was hurting her and I was going to find out what it was. I kneeled down beside her bed and took her hand. "Please tell me what's wrong, Mal. I want to help you feel better." She just stared at me for a moment then sighed, wiped her tears and sat up. She was shaking slightly so I could tell she had been crying for a long time. "Ben dumped me." I was shocked and I could tell Evie and Jay were too. "I'm so sorry Mal," I said. Evie hugged her then we all sat on her bed and ended up talking about it for so long that we all fell asleep. Evie was lying across Mal, Jay was at the foot of the bed and I was next to her. She had her head on my chest. As I was looking around I noticed I was still holding her hand. I tried to pull it away but her grip only tightened so I decided to leave it.

I hope you all are enjoying this so far! I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I am typing this on a mobile. Please let me know if you would like another chapter! :)

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