Part 9

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I went into my dorm to see Evie and Jay still sitting on my bed, waiting for me. "There you are!" Evie got up and hugged me. "You seem much happier!" Jay said. I smiled. "I am! I... I think... i have a crush." Evie squealed. "Calm down E! It's just a crush!" "On who?" Jay asked. "Promise you'll both keep it secret?" They nodded. I looked down. "I have... a small... crush on... Carlos?" Evie screamed and i shushed her. "He's really been here for me lately. i feel so safe and Happy when i'm with him." Evie opened her mouth to say something then closed it and looked me up and down. "What are you wearing???" I blushed. "Oh. I forgot i was wearing this. It's...... Ummmm...... Carlos' hoodie." Evie's Jaw dropped and Jay lifted his eyebrows up and down to tease me. "I got to go. You two better not say a word." They nodded then i left.


After Mal left i turned to Jay. "I wonder if Carlos told Mal that she actually didn't faint and how she was poisoned." "Yeah... i don't know..." Jay replied. "Anyways... we really need to figure out who poisoned Mal. Lets make a list of any person who hates Mal." "Ok... Well... there is Uma, Ben, and... Audrey. But Uma is good now so she wouldn't do that... Who else?" "Mal's mom... but she is still a lizard..." "Did Mal have any enemies on the Isle other than Uma?" "Not that i know of..." "Lets split up. I'll go spy on Ben and you go spy on Uma to see if we can get any clues." "Sounds good. Oh! One more thing. We should send someone to go stick with Mal in case anything else happens." i replied. "I'll text Carlos." Jay said. Then we went our separate ways.


I got a text from Jay saying that Evie and him want me to stay near Mal so that we can make sure whoever poisoned he doesn't do anything else bad. I really should tell Mal what happened... but if i do then it will be really awkward since we're just friends. If she found out that apparently i'm her true love... i don't even know what would happen but i'm sure it would be awkward. We should also talk about that kiss that we had earlier. I walked to her dorm and knocked on her door. "Come in!" She answered. I went in. "Hey Carlos..." I like Mal. Like... Like like Mal. I don't think i can tell her though. "Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure! What's up???" "We need to talk about that... kiss... that we had earlier." "Oh... Right... Sorry about that." I should just tell her. I didn't realize i mumbled it so she couldn't understand. "I... I... Like...... you." "What did you say?" "Don't make me say it again, Mal." "No seriously! i didn't hear you." I said it clearer this time. "I... Like you, Mal. Not like a friend. Like... more than that." She smiled. "Really? I... like you too. Also more than a friend." I was so surprised by what i heard! But... what if this ruins our friendship? How would Jay and Evie react??? "Would you maybe be interested in going out with me sometime?" "Sure." She replied then i hugged her.

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