Part 10

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I went back to Mal's dorm to wait for Jay. When I walked in I saw Mal and Carlos hugging. As soon as they saw me they quickly let go of each other and blushed. I grin grew on my face. Carlos told her! I mean... why else would they be hugging? I looked at Carlos and lifted my eyebrows as if asking him if he told her. He just nodded slightly. I was still grinning but I decided not to say anything. Suddenly, Jay ran into the room. "Guys!!! I figured out who......" he realized Mal was in the room. "Oh heyyyyyy Mal." He laughed nervously. She looked very confused. "Who what???" "Who...... Ben cheated on you with. It was Audrey." I answered for Jay.  "I kinda already knew that... but ok..." She responded. Jay looked over at me. "Can i talk to you? alone?" I nodded then we walked into the hallway and closed the door. "I know who poisoned Mal." "Really? Who?" "It was Audrey. She said she did it so Ben would choose her over Mal. She also said she did it before Ben choose her so now she sees that she didn't have to do that because he was going to choose her anyways." At first i didn't know what to say. "......Oh... wow. Ok. So now what do we do???" "I guess we tell Mal the truth now..." Jay said then we went back into the room.


Something was definitely going on. Jay was acting strange. Evie and him came back into the room and looked a bit worried. I was still sitting on the bed next to Carlos. Jay sat on the other side on me and Evie stood in front of me. "Jay and I have something to tell you." She said with a serious look. "Okay... what is it?" I replied, getting a bit worried. "Remember when you fainted?" "...Yeah?" "You didn't actually faint. Audrey poisoned you so that Ben would think you were dead and chose her." I started to get mad. "He chose her anyways so she knows she didn't have to do that." Said Jay. Suddenly i felt Jay grab my arm. Its like he knew what i was thinking and how i was going to go find Audrey. "Hey!" I tried to pull my arm away but his grip tightened. I pulled my arm away and stood up. I felt someone grab me by the waist and pull me back down. It was Carlos. "Stop!" I said while i tried to get up but Jay grabbed my arms and held me down. I pushed him away then rolled off the bed. Carlos got up then pinned me to the ground and i kept squirming. He looked concerned. "Audrey knows what she did is wrong, Mal!" He said. How do you know?! I need to make her pay for what she did!" "Violence isn't the solution!" I looked away from him, still looking furious and sighed. He waited a sec then slowly got off of me. I quickly got up and ran for the door. Evie stepped in front of it and Carlos grabbed both of my arms then pushed me against the wall. "Mal! Listen to me!" He said. "No! Let me go!" "Audrey knows what she did is wrong and now she is probably gonna leave you alone! She has Ben now and deserves that cheater! You have me!" I stared at him for a sec then looked down. He let go of me and i hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm just mad at her." "Yeah. We know." Replied Jay. He chuckled a bit and i rolled my eyes.


Hi guys! Sorry it took me so long to come out with this chapter! I just got really busy with school and homework. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you think or what should happen next in the comments! If we can get this part to 10 likes before the end of the day i definitely will try to continue the story. :)

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