Joining the Literature Club; 1

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(Art was made by 'bayabasss' from twitter)

~Day 1~

"Y/N," I heard a familiar voice call my name.

It was a weird dream I was having. I was hearing these voices.. "Save her" "Stop her" "Four Days"

"Y/N!" I heard the voice yell in my ear, I wake up with a startle and look over to see a frustrated Monika.

"Great! Now that you're awake I need to ask you something," Monika says with her signature smile.

"What do you want?!" I mumble while trying to keep my eyes open.

"Will you join my Literature Club?" Monika asks with a hopeful look in her eye.


"I didn't force you, I asked you," Monika says like the smartass she is.

"DOESN'T MATTER," I yell as she looked at me with a unusual look in her eye.

I close my eyes as I try to go back to sleep when I suddenly have a desire to join the club.

  I woke up suddenly and against my will I asked her if I could join the club.

  She looked at me and smiled, an unusual smile.

  "Great! I will be seeing you in the clubroom," Monika says as she walks out of my room.

~Insert time skip because I'm lazy~

  As soon as I walked into the clubroom everyone turned around and stared at me.

  "Welcome to the Literature Club!" Monika says. "Girls, this is our newest member. my sister, Y/N,"

  The girls started to smile in excitement.

  "Hello! I'm Sayori! Vice President to the Literature club!" says the pink haired girl with a red bow.

  "Yuri, it's nice to meet you," says the purple haired girl.

  "Natsuki!" Says the short pink haired girl.

  Seriously? Monika never told me the club was full of cute girls!

  I look at all of them and lock gazes with Sayori. I look away after a few awkward seconds, blushing.
Why was I blushing? I don't really know...

Before I could get deeper into that thought the door burst open and two more girls came in.

One of the girls that came in had Brown hair with a yellow streak in it. She was wearing a Flash Hoodie, ripped jeans, and brown boots. And she had brown eyes.

The other girl, aka the one that looks like a crack head, Also had Brown hair. On the tips of her hair were two different colors. Left was Orange, Right was Blue. She was wearing a pale yellow shoulder-less sweater, light blue leggings, and white boots. She also had Brown eyes.

  The two of them looked at me then at Monika with a confused look.

  "That's our new member, my sister, Y/N," Monika says at the two late members.

  "Nice! I'm JJ!" The normal one said with a huge smile.

  "She doesn't look like you, are you sure your mother wasn't cheating?" The crackhead one asks.

  Monika glared at her then turned to me, "That's AJ," she says with a smile.

I look at all of them. Monika, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, JJ, and AJ.

I have a feeling I will like it here.

(Oh, and for anyone who doesn't really like OC's in these fanfics, don't worry. You won't be seeing them a lot anyways, and there is only one major piece of plot with an OC in it)

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