Heartbreak; 5

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~Day 3~

  Heartbreak, that's what I felt. Sayori likes MC. She's just like the others. They all love MC, why MC?

  'Just go along with it'

"Wait, I think I heard you wrong. What did you just say..?" She must be joking, there's a chance I must have heard her wrong!

"Oh? Ok.. I think I love MC,"

  Nope, I totally heard her right.. I don't get it... why do I feel this way? It's not like I like her or anything!

My thoughts were stopped quickly when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  "What were you ladies up too while I was gone?" Oh... it was MC. He must have returned.

  Sayori started to blush a little, "O-oh... you returned, MC.."

  "We were having a perfectly fine discussion until you showed up," Ok, maybe that was a little harsh.. but MC just gets on my nerves.

  Sayori, confused, looks at me and then back to MC. She goes back to blushing again.

  'Calm down, do not make things any worse!'

  Mary is right... I just need to calm-

  And then MC kissed Sayori.

  And so I ran away from them in response.

  'Uh-huh, so much for calming down...'

  Fortunately, I happened to run into Monika. She saw me and quickly gave me a look of concern.

  "Y/N? Are you okay? Did something happen?" Monika asks, her voice was full of concern. Monika was always like that, caring and kind.

"I'm fine, Monika. Thanks for worrying though.."

Monika would smile, "No problem, plus, I'm glad your here. I was gonna call all the club members here, as our time is running short."

Soon, Monika has gathered everyone together.. speaking of together, Sayori and MC soon got together soon after I left.

"Well, we all have a little time left... hmm... oh right! We should read our poems!" Monika says cheerfully, as she quickly takes out a piece of paper (which I have no clue where she got it from, but I won't question it because it's MONIKA.)

We took out our poems and shared it out to the others, each poem was unique and suited the person who wrote it.

We all soon decided to part ways as the day became night. Monika and I soon walked home together, like we always did.

'You should remember this also, Y/N'

And that thing is?

'There is only two days left. Save her before it's too late, Y/N'


Monika would look around, she would spot someone, MC.

(Why tf did it delete this??)
  'This late at night and he's just standing there. That's a little odd, isn't it? Or is this normal behavior'

  "It is a little bit odd, Elizabeth," Monika spoke silently with a smile and started to walk over to MC.

"So, you and Sayori, hmm?" Monika would start to say, MC would turn around quickly and meet eyes with Monika.

"It's none of your business, darling~"

"Oh? Do I not have the right to ask?" Monika would glare at MC a little, MC would smile at this.

"Don't take it personal, I would be so sad to have such a beautiful girl mad at me," MC would say, he would start to walk closer to Monika.

There would be silence in the air.

"I loved Sayori too, you know that?" Monika would also start to get closer to MC.

"All in all, that doesn't matter anymore~" MC would say back.

More silence filled the air.

"You're so beautiful, did you know that?" MC would soon say, breaking up the silence between them.

Monika would question this, "Hmm? You shouldn't be saying things like this, you're with Sayori.."

"So? She's not here."

MC would walk up to Monika, breaking the space between them, and kiss her.

I actually have a good idea of the plot now >:3
This is probably the longest chapter in this book-

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