Possession; 8

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(Art by 'doreMii' from artstation)

~Day 4~

{ Names received so far }
Y/N : Mary
Monika : Elizabeth
Sayori : Angelica
Natsuki : ???
Yuri : ???
JJ : ???
AJ : ???
MC : ???

"Mary.. you saw that also, right?"

As silence filled my head, I knew Mary wasn't gonna reply.

I was getting more and more concerned, "Mary? Is everything alright?"

Take a guess.. MORE SILENCE-

I resorted to my last weapon... "Marymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymarymary-"


"Great! I'm gonna ask again.. is everything alright?"


'I remember everything now'

"What??" I grew confused and wondered to what exactly she remembered.

'Not important right now, you only have tomorrow left until time runs out'

As much as it pains me to say.. Mary was correct. I only have tomorrow until this certain task I have to fulfill should be completed..

"Please Mary.. can you give some guidance on what I should do?!" I pleaded to Mary.

'If you say so.. you should find some information on Elizabeth, this might help you on your task'

'I don't have that much knowledge of who is who but I suggest that you start with that pink-haired girl'

Pink-haired girl.. "Natsuki?"

'Umm.. yes! That's the one'

Fortunately, Monika came home the next minute. Monika most likely knew where Natsuki lived.

I rush up to Monika, "Hey Monika! Do you happen to know where Natsuki lives?"

"Oh? Of course.. she lives nearby, blah blah blah blah blah blah," Monika soon finishes and walks over to our bedroom.

With a thank you to Monika, I start to walk over to Natsuki's home. As soon as I arrived, I knocked on the door and waited.

Natsuki would open the door and then get a startled look on her face as she spots me.

A voice of a man could be heard, "NATSUKI, who's at the door..?"

"NOBODY! It was just some little kid trying to prank us.. anyways, I'm just gonna go outside for a little!" Natsuki replied to the man, her words were rushed.

Natsuki would then push me away and quietly close the door behind her, "What are you doing here?!"

"No need to worry! I just want you to answer a question," I replied whilst trying to calm her down.

"A-alright.. what is it? You better leave right away after your 'question-" Natsuki was shortly interrupted at the end.

"What do you know about.. Elizabeth?"

"Who-" Natsuki was cut off when suddenly her eyes and mouth started to emit a pink aura.

With a squeaky scream from Natsuki, a new voice could be heard.

'Elizabeth poisoned my home! My lovely ocean! Her and her Eriline troops started to attack my neighbors and friends..'
-(new voice)


"WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY?? WHAT DID YOU DO TO NATSUKI!!" I was freaking out at this point.

'Oh, it was simple possession! I figured out how to do this a while ago!!'
-(new voice)

Mary, PLEASE promise me you won't do that to me...

'no promises'

The pink aura would quickly leave and Natsuki would return from her daze.

"- is Elizabeth?" She says, finally finishing her cut-off sentence before the possession.


I ran as fast as I can away from Natsuki's house, I stopped to catch my breath once I reached the front door.

"Alright.. who's next?"

'Next person to interrogate.. Yuri'


Natsuki stared off at the direction Y/N ran off too.

"What a waste of my time.. Y/N left so quickly!!" Natsuki was annoyed by this.

'Don't worry Natsuki, I'm sure they'll be fine.. sorta!'

"Anne, If you're lying I swear to-"

'I'm not! Trust me.. Y/N is in good hands'

Natsuki would sigh at Anne's response and she would soon walk back into her house, hoping everything goes easy after that interruption.

Part 8 has now been released ^^
We have figured the name of Natsuki's voice!
Next shall be Yuri.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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