Chapter 13- Grace

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Here have another chapter. You deserve it for tolerating my crappy writing.

...And that's how most nights went.

Get high with Jane, get drunk with Jane, fuck Jane.

After probably 6 weeks, though, I started getting...bored.

The same routine over and over and over and over and over again. I was sick of it.

I felt like I was missing something.

I felt empty.

Jane was really into it, she really liked me, but...for me, it was kinda just the sex I was there for.

I didn't really think of her as anything more than a friend, but damn the sex was good.

But, even the sex was getting a little boring.

One night, as I lay next to Jane, she didn't look like her anymore.

She had dark red lipstick, hazel eyes, green hair, a Black Veil Brides shirt, black jeans, and the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen.

Suddenly, memories flashed before my eyes.

The green hair changed to blue, orange, red, pink, purple, yellow, white, dark brown for a little bit, and finally settled at navy blue.

I remembered her.

Page. Page Jacobs.

The day we first met.

I had seen her around school and stared at her quite a lot, and had grown quite fond of her, even listened to a few Black Veil Brides songs because I had seen her wear shirts that mentioned them, and when I saw Veronica try and steal her clothes in gym, I stepped in, punched her in the face, gave Page her clothes back, and we introduced ourselves.

It was insane, we had just met and I was already crazy about her. My lips quickly crashed against hers and I didn't even care at the laughs and name calling from everyone.

When we broke apart, I pulled her arm forwards me and examined the scars.

"Never cut yourself again." I and told her.

She nodded, breathlessly, either from the kiss or from the fact that her huge crush (as she had told me later on, with a smile) had just kissed her and was touching her.

I remembered the first night we spent together, the first time I met her dad, heated make out sessions, her smile, kissing her beautiful lips, me proposing with a fake ring, the look on her face when she saw the Black Veil Brides concert tickets, the way she kissed me afterwards, how amazing it was to see her so happy after being down for so long (I had recently found out the reason behind it was her mother commiting suicide), everything.

I sat up quickly in bed and got up, yanking my clothes on.

"Babe?" Jane asked, sitting up.

"I'm sorry. I have to break up with you. I have to find Page." I said quickly, racing out of the house.



I needed to find Page.

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