Chapter 18- Grace

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I sat in my room, getting high- by myself.

I sighed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I hated this place now.

Page was dead, Jane was dead.

Gone. They were both gone and it was my fault.

I felt so empty.

I just wanted out.

I was so empty that I didn't even want to cut.

But, I did, desperate to feel something- anything. Anything besides numbness.

Then I remembered- none of this was real. It was all in my head. Nothing here was real. Nothing.

I remembered that in real life, Page was alive, desperate for me to wake up.

I wondered how I could get out.

If suicide would wake me up or just kill me in real life.

The lights began flickering, before stopping, leaving the room in complete darkness.

"What the-?" I stood up.

"Thinking of leaving, are we?" My dad's voice echoed ominously.

"I-" I started.

"You are." He interrupted.


"You wanted a better life, you got it. No leaving. You got what you wanted."

"But- Page-"

"Hasn't anyone ever told you 'careful what you wish for'?"

"Yeah, but-"

A fist collided with my face, knocking me to the ground.

"Be grateful, bitch." He said in a near growl.

If I could see his eyes, I'm sure they would be full of hatred again.

His fist collided with my jaw again and he said "You ungrateful little bitch!"


"Shut up!"

He punched me again.

He pressed a cold blade against my throat.

I closed my eyes in dread as he dug the blade into my skin.

And then it was gone.

The lights were back on.

I opened my eyes slowly to find myself alone in my brightly lit bedroom, pressed against the wall, near the cocaine and knife on the ground.

I looked in the mirror.

There was a small cut on my throat.

I began to hyperventilate.

I need to get the fuck out of here. Was all I could think.

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