Chapter 28- Grace

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I stood there, chained up, for a month, my only company the darkness.

It nearly drove me insane.

Not to mention the silence.

I had gotten so used to the darkness, that when the door opened, I closed my eyes because the light hurt.

When my eyes adjusted enough for me to see, I saw who had opened it.

My mom.

At first I thought I was hallucinating.

She approached me with a set of keys in her hand.

She quickly unlocked the shackles and I groaned as I put my arms down.

"What are you doing? Why did you let me go?" I asked.

"Go. Get back to real life. Find your fiancé."

"But why-"

"You really thought you'd escape?" My dad's voice boomed.

He appeared in the doorway and approached us slowly.

I inconspicuously grabbed the pocket knife out of my pocket.

He slapped my mom.

"Why did you let her go?!" He snapped.

"It wasn't right! She-" he slapped her again.

"She got what she wished for."

He punched her and I snuck up behind him.

If I got what I wanted in this life...

Bigger knife bigger knife bigger knife. I thought.

Sure enough, the little pocket knife turned into a huge knife.

I smiled.

"Fuck you." I said after he slapped her again.

I plunged the knife into his chest.

He collapsed onto the ground.

My mom smiled and hugged me as the basement got brighter and the shackles disappeared.

She handed me a knife and smiled.

"Go." She said gently.

"I wish my real mom were like you." I said, blinking back tears.

"I know. But, in a few years you'll get a step mom."

"I will?"

"Yeah. Mr. Jacobs'll meet this amazing woman and marry her."

I smiled, a few tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Thank you." I hugged her one last time before cutting all over my arms and finally my wrist.

The basement faded away and I was looking at the inside of my eyelids.

I opened my eyes quickly, to see Page in my arms.

She just looked at me in awe for a few minutes before tackling me and kissing all over my face.

I was disoriented to say the least, but laughed and kissed back when her lips were brought to mine.

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