Epilogue Part Øne

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*1 year later, 3 months after highschool graduation*

*Grace's POV*
I took a deep breath and glanced in the mirror one last time.

"You look great." Sofia said.

"...I don't." I muttered.

"You do."

"I look like shit like I always do, but it's always fine 'cause who cares if I look like shit, but it's my wedding day. This is the one day that I can't look like shit." I snapped.

"You look great."

"I don't!" I tugged at my black jeans.

*Meanwhile with Page*

"Frick frick frick frick frick!!!!" I said as I placed around the room. "Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!!"

"Honey, it's gonna be alright. Don't get all worked u-"

"It's not!! Grace is gonna hate me and everyone's gonna laugh and-" I tried to keep my breathing stable.

My dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be fine." He said.

I took a few deep breaths.

"Do I look stupid?" I asked.

"No. You look great." He said.

"You aren't disappointed that I'm marrying a girl? That I'm wearing a Black Veil Brides T-shirt and jeans instead of a wedding gown?" I asked.

"No. Not at all."

"I doubt that." I muttered.

"I'm not disappointed. At all." He said, kissing my forehead. "You really love Grace and she really loves you. I'm glad you two found each other."

"...But- but-"

"It's fine. Really."

I sighed.

"Now let's finish getting you ready so you can go marry the love of your life." He smiled.

"Okay." I sat back down in the chair and my dad finished doing my hair.

Once he was done, he placed the black veil on top and smiled.

"You ready?" He asked.

I smiled.

"Hell yeah."

*With Grace*

I took a deep breath and straightened my Green Day shirt.

"You look great. Stop freaking out." Sofia said, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Do I look fat?" I asked, turning to face her.

"No." She said, placing the black veil on my head. "You look great. Really. Page is gonna love it."

I took another deep breath.

"I'm gonna be okay." I said to myself.

"You are. You really are. You're gonna be Grace Jacobs." She smiled.

"Yeah." I returned the smile. "Yeah I am."

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