SH: grieving.

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Lili POV:

I lay awake peacefully at 8:32 am in my cozy and comfy king-sized bed with my white comforter thrown over me and strong arms wrapped around my waist and a chin placed on my head with my face nuzzled into his chest as I feel his heart beating and his chest rising and falling calmly. I look over to the not-so-warm winter sunlight coming from the bottom of the closed blinds in front of the windows in mid-January in Vancouver and I bet it snowed last night. It was about 10 mins later when I see Cole stirring and his beautiful blue eyes fluttering open as he looks down at me. "Goodmorning Lils," he says sleepily yet very lovingly. "Goodmorning" I respond smiling back at him as he pecks my lips softly. "Did you sleep well?" I ask him considering he got back from the set of Riverdale at 2 am, 3 hours after I got back. "Yes, I did. Thank god we have an off today cuz now I get to spend time with you," he tells tucking my golden locks behind my ear as I giggle. We spend another 10 mins talking about regular stuff in our bed when my phone rings. I lay a gentle kiss on his cheek and turn to my bedside table to pick my phone revealing Cole's Dad's caller ID. I decide not to tell Cole who called just yet and decide to take the call outside our bedroom. I get out of my warm bed and pick up my phone off of the side table and say, "I'm coming in 2 mins okay baby?" and he nods his head. 

As soon as I'm out of our room, I answer the phone call and speak, "Hi Mathew, 'morning!" I say trying to sound not so sleepy. I used to call him Mr. Sprouse, but he keeps claiming that I'm like the daughter he never had and he begged me to call him Mathew. "Goodmorning Lils. uhhhh so listen... Cole's not anywhere near you is he?" I hear him talk against the phone sounding extremely sad. "No, he's not. Is everything okay? You sound a bit dull." I reply getting seated cross-legged at the couch in our living room while throwing a baby pink, fuzzy blanket on me. "Lili uhh... Dylan and Cole's biological mom passed away 2 hours ago, I found out 10 mins ago." Oh no. I know Cole is gonna be broken by this news because even though his parents got divorced a long time ago, Melaine was still Cole's biological mom. "Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry Mathew. How did this happen?" He cleared his throat before replying. "It's alright Lils, car accident. Please tell him in a gentle way, Lili, we both know about Cole's battle with depression in the past," I can already feel a huge lump in my throat. "Yes, I understand. Thank you for the news and I'm sorry." I speak out feeling sad and even more sadness for Cole. "Bye Lili, text me how it goes." and with that, he hangs up.

My phone is pressed against my chest and at this point, my heart aches for Cole. All of a sudden he enters the living room while pulling one of his hoodies over his head as it is cold. "Who was it baby?" he asks while coming over toward the couch and plopping down next to me and he kisses my forehead. This is the time you tell him, Lili. Okay. Here we go. My subconscious speaks to me. I take his hands in mine and run the pad of my thumb from over his knuckles and look at him in the eye. I swallow. Hard. "Cole... your mom, Melaine, passed away." He is blank. "W-what?" 

Cole POV:

"W-what?" was all that came out of my mouth. "I'm so sorry baby," she whispered. I could feel tears stinging my eyes as I was on the verge of crying. I was shocked. My body couldn't move. Part of me didn't want to believe what she told me was true. Lili's eyes became glassy to and she began to run her hands through my hair. "Hh-how?" I spoke, now tears were just coming out of my eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop them. "Car Accident," She replied to my question immediately with one hand one of her hand on my left cheek and my hand in her other one. Without further delay, Lili pulls me into a hug and I begin to just let it all out. I'm sobbing. Hard. Sure, she hasn't been in my life for a long time, but she gave birth to me and was a good person. 

Lili POV:

Cole is crying really hard right now. The sleeve part of my left shoulder is wet but I obviously don't care. I just wanna be there for him. "Shhhh... baby. Can you please try to calm down, for me?" I ask him while rubbing his back gently and kissing is fluffy black hair. He simply just hugs me even tighter and I can tell that his breathing slows down a bit. We remain like that for about 10 mins when he pulls away yet still holding my hands. His eyes are bloodshot red and his face is really puffy. I immediately start to cry a little because he is hurt. He lets out a large sigh before he begins to speak. "I-I know s-she h-hasn't been in m-my life f-for a long t-time, but s-she is still m-my mom," he begins to tear up again and his breathing begins to quicken as he hugs me back again and buries his face in the back of my head. "I know baby, I'm so sorry. Talk whenever you are ready okay? I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. You can let it all out. Do you wanna go inside and lay down for a while?" I ask him, trying to do the best I can to make him feel less broken. "Y-yeah," is all that came out of his mouth before he pulled away still crying and getting hold of my hand. 

We walk to our bedroom hand in hand slowly, without saying a word to each other and Cole looking down at his feet the whole way. Once we reached the bedroom, he immediately went and laid down on the bed on his right side. I quickly go over and place the white comforter over him as he immediately pulls it over his face to hide. I sit down on the other side of the bed. "Do you wanna be left alone for a little bit?" I say, breaking the silence, not knowing what else to do to comfort him. "If you need me, I'll be right downstairs, "I see him nod from inside the blanket and leave the bedroom.

I decide to make him something nice and warm to eat as it is cold outside and Cole can talk if he feels like it. I open one of the kitchen cabinets and pull out a cookbook to see what can I make. I chose to make some Chicken soup for Cole and me. Once I'm done making the soup, I take out two soup bowls and two soups spoons, pour soup in each one of them and place them in a wooden tray. I pick out a rose from the bouquet that Cole got me two days ago and throw it in a vase and put that in the tray as well and carry it upstairs to our bedroom. I open the bedroom door to see bed all clean and the comforter placed neatly at the end of the bed. Just immediately Cole walks out of the bathroom, his face less puffy than before. 

There will be a part two. Give me ideas in the comments.

1320 words.

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