SH- wait...really?

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Sorry havent updated in a while. here's another story. please suggest, i have no inspiration at the moment. 

Lili POV:

"Oh my god oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this" I whisper to my self while turning on the timer on my phone while I sat there on the bathroom floor, with a pregnancy test faced down so I don't see it until it says something and my knees against my chest and arms wrapped around them. My heart was racing so much that I could feel and hear it. I sat there fiddling with my fingers and taking deep breaths to contain myself but was failing.  My eyes glued to the 4-minute timer I had set on my phone that was placed right next to me on the floor itself. My chest has already started to feel tight and I find it hard to breathe because of how overwhelmed and scared I feel, and it increases even more as the timer gets closer to 0.

I've had this gut feeling for the past couple of days that I'm pregnant. I've been extremely nauseous, had some terrible headaches and been very very tired. There would be days when I would literally come home from set and collapse on the couch and Cole would just come running, extremely worried. I've thrown up every morning for the past 3 days and I can't begin to describe how bad my headaches have been. I did miss my period, but my periods have always been irregular so I didn't think much of that. If I am pregnant, I really have no clue about how Cole would react. We've just never spoken about. We got engaged about 1.5 years ago, after 2.5 years of dating but just never spoke about kids, it just never came up.

It rang. The timer of 4-minutes rang meaning it was time, time to find out. I turn the timer off and inhale deeply. This is it, it's okay, everything is fine. I sit crossed legged now and reached out to flip the pregnancy test. I close my eyes before flipping it and opened my eyes to see. 'Pregnant' is what it read. Oh my god. I'm pregnant! I simply bursted into tears then and there. I was crying so so hard. My elbows were on my lap and face in my hands and I sobbed as soft as I could. I really need to tell him. I need Cole with me now. Just then, I heard a knock on the door, "Lil? You in there?" Holy shit. I wipe my tears out of my face, take in a deep breath try to sound as normal as I can, "Y-yes. I'm c-coming" I hear him say 'okay' and take a sigh of relief and place my hand over my mouth. Oh my god im actually pregnant.

*30 mins later*

Cole was editing some pictures in our bedroom upstairs since its a weekend and those are the only days he actually can get some editing done as we're on set for Riverdale for the rest of the weekdays. I was downstairs on the kitchen counter, sobbing quietly. I was happy, very happy. I've always wanted kids with Cole, but we weren't trying, cuz we never spoke about. As happy I was, I was scared at the same time. Just scared how Cole would react. Positive or negative? Will he leave me? Scream at me? No Lili, he loves you. My subconscious tells me. I finally had the courage to get off the counter and straighten out my sweatpants and loose cropped t-shirt and wipe my tears off, to make myself look as if I wasn't crying and taking in a deep breath. Deep breaths Lili, just like Cole always tells you, "Everything is alright, Princess"  I smile at the thought of him calling me his princess, I just love it so much when he does that. I take another deep breath and walk up the stairs slowly before opening our door.

I crack open the door a little and see him focused onto his laptop and moving his fingers over his trackpad as he edits."Hey" I say quietly, peeking from the crack of the door. Cole instantly looks up from the screen and makes eye contact with me and a smile flashes across his face "Hi gorgeous, come here." He tells me patting the spot next to him on the bed. I swallow the lump getting formed in my throat and nod. While making my way to the bed, I ask him, "You doing something important?" "Not very important, I was actually just editing the picures I clicked of you last to last week, didn't get any time to do that ever since." He explains while still looking at me while I walk to the bed and sit beside him. I smile at him very weakly and sniffle a little. "Were you crying, baby?" I just look down at my fingers and begin to fiddle with them and tears immediately begin to fall out. "Hey hey..."He closes his laptop and puts it on the floor and pulls me on top of him. My legs get tangled in his, my head against his chest, arms around each other's torso and his chin on top of my head. He kisses my hair gently before he says, "You're okay babygirl, I'm right here. Everything's alright, Princess" I take a couple of deep breaths before getting off of him and sit on the bed. 

I sit crossed leg and he places his hands on my knees. "Lils, you can take your time, its all right" I get up off the bed and tell him, "G-give me a sec" And he just nods at me while looking into my eyes. I go in to our bathroom and open the drawer under my sink to reveal the pregnancy test I took a while ago. I put it in my pocket before washing my face and going back to our bedroom to see Cole looking out from the sliding door to our balcony.  "I-I have something to tell you, and before I tell you, I just wanna say I'm sorry. C-can we sit?" He holds out his hand for me to hold it and we walk to the bed and sit down, crossed legged, facing each other, with my back against the headboard."Baby, listen to me. I love you, you know that right? I made a promise to you almost 2 years ago that I will never stop loving you, ever. I don't think- I know I can't. There is nothing for you to apologize for." I just nod, and whisper out 'I love you too' and freeze. "Baby?" He asks very softly and takes both my hands in his. I take a deep breath and begin "Cole, I... I-I'm... ." I pull out the pregnancy test from my right pocket, "I'm p-pregnant"

Cole POV:

When those words came out of her mouth, I froze for a split-second. "Lili... you're...?" and she nods looking at me. Tears begin to form in my eyes and I huge smile comes on my face. "Wait... really Lils? We're having a baby?" And she begins to cry. I immediately pull her into a hug without waiting for a second. I bury my face in her hair and she buries hers in the crook of my neck and we both just sit there in silence, shedding tears and holding each other as if nothing else matters to us, except each other, because its the truth.  She's the love of my life, my fiance, my whole life, my best-friend, she's my everything. My whole heart belongs to her and I love her to the moon, beyond and back. Knowing that we're having a baby just makes my life complete. I crash my lips on to her and she kisses me back, when I realize that I'm crying a lot. 

Just then, Lili pulls away, "So your not mad, or u-upset? You're not gonna leave me?" I give her a confused and puzzled look, "Baby, why would I be mad or upset? It's te best thing that ever happened to me after you." I cup her face with my hands, "And I will never leave you, I love you too much to even think of thinking of doing that." She swallows and hands me the test and I look at it, with tears flowing out my eyes like Niagara falls. "When did you..." "About 30 mins ago" She cuts me off mid-sentence. "Baby... come here!" I pull her on top of me and pick her up bridal style after getting up and spin her around and kiss her on her lips and continue to spin her around while she giggles. "Cole stapp! Put me down!" And I pull away to see her smile, and still giggling. "God you will be the death of me Lili" And I place her on her back on the bed, carefully and gently and place a kiss on her forehead. She shifts a little and pats her side for me to lie down next to her. I lay down and wrap my hands around her waist and she faces me, her hand on my shoulder. 

Lili POV:

"Lili, as happy as I am right now, I just wanna know if this is something you want. I mean it's your body." I smile at him and his thoughtfulness fills my heart. "Yes Cole, I want this baby. Ever since I began to love you, I knew this is something I want." "Okay then, we're having a baby." I smile back at him. "We're having a baby."

1616 words

please leave suggestions, hope you liked this.

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