BH: rushed to the ER (part 2)

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Jughead POV:

"Shhhhh, Betts. It's all okay. Juliet is gonna be alright, she's a fighter, just like her mom." I tell while cupping her face with my palms. She's is sobbing uncontrollably and breathing really really fast. I can say the same for myself, tears are falling out of my eyes but I try my best to hold it together for Betty. I need to stay strong for her. "J-Jug, what-t- if sh-she's n-n-ot o-ka-" "NO BETTY! Do not finish that sentence, please baby. Juliet is gonna be alright, we both know it. Why don't we go and sit-down?" I ask her, as she buries her face in my chest and I rub her back up and down and she nods against my chest.

We go and sit down on the benches. Betty snuggles into my chest while wrapping her arms around my waist. I put my arms around her as well while tracing invisible circles on her back, hoping it calms her down a little. I can tell she tried to quieten her sobs, but tears haven't stopped coming out of her eyes.

I zone out and as soon as that happens, all I see is Juliet. Her precious little smile. Her crystal clear blue eyes she got from me. Her soft and silky blonde hair, just like Betty's. Her supple and clear skin. She giggling calling out "Daddy" while I tickle her. Her being her goofy and cute little self. "Mr. Jones," an appealing and modulated voice of a lady says very softly. I snapped out of my thought and saw a doctor standing in front of both of us. Betty pulls herself off of me and stands up, wiping her tears and straightening out her coat and I follow after which I wrap one of my arms around Betty's waist and pull her closer to me and she places her hand on my chest. "I'm Doctor Kate, looking into the case of your daughter, Juliet Jones." "Hi... umm.. do you have any news?" I look at her, hoping she has a positive answer as I chew on the flesh of my mouth. "I do. We can discuss it in my office. Right, this way." She says, holding out her arm in the direction of her office.

Betty POV:

I take a seat in her office, Jughead next to me and the Doctor from across the table. It was a pretty basic Doctors office, white light, a tiny bed, the lady wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around her neck. For some reason, I get very odd vibes from her. I don't know if it's because she isn't Juliet's pediatrician or something else. She takes off her scrubs and throws them in a bin placed next to her. Her raven hair tied back into a ponytail. "Umm, where is Doctor Nina? She is Juliet's pediatrician," She types away on her laptop before turning to the both of us. "She's on leave today. I'm a pediatrician as well, I joined about here 2 months ago." I just nod at her and hold Jughead's hand as he places it on my thigh. "From what her symptoms show, I've diagnosed Juliet with an extreme case of dehydration. Has she been engaged in a lot of physical activity lately?" I get really irritated at her question. I see Jug roll his eyes too. Like MY DAUGHTER IS IN AN ICU AND I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IF SHE IS OKAY, and here she is asking me questions? I remain calm and answer her question in the best way possible

"No, not really. It's been very cold lately. The last time she went outside the house was yesterday afternoon and we went to the supermarket." The doctor gave me a confused look."What time did she wake up this morning?" I gave her an annoyed sigh and reply "Around 8:30" "Umm ok. Has she been eating-" "COULD YOU PLEASE TELL US FOR GOD'S SAKE HOW IS JULIET?" Jughead yells at her standing up. I get up along with him and give the Doctor a death stare. "Y-yes, right this way s-sir," She fumbles on her words before getting up and grabbing a couple of paper and leading the way. We exit the office and enter the white light lit hospital hallway that isn't very crowded at this hour except for a young man sitting on one of the benches with his head in his hands and a few more nurses around. Jughead and my hands are holding hands as we walk past people to come in front of an elevator. We enter the elevator and the doctor pushes the button reading '2'. Jughead puts his arm around my shoulder from behind, squeezing it gently as I look up to him. The elevator beeps, indicating us that the second floor is here. He pecks my forehead before the elevator door opens and we rush out of it.

Jugheads POV:

We were lead to a room number reading '211' on its left side. The doctor pushes the door open for us gently, allowing me and Betty to enter it. I see her. My precious daughter, laying on a hospital bed, unconscious, with an IV tube, hooked up into her right arm and her pale skin made me swallow, hard. We both see her and run up to her. Betty sits down on the right edge of the hospital bed and I stand right behind her. Betty places a tiny kiss on her forehead. "Mommy and Daddy are here now princess, you're okay." She cries out and my heart clenches. Betty shakes her tiny, unconscious body gently, "Jug, sh-she won't w-wake u-up" Betty says, turning back, facing me. I sit down next to her and she comes in for a hug immediately. Her head on my chest, our arms around each other's waist and my chin placed on her head as I rub her back. "I-I... I know love, but she w-will. I promise." I say as tears escape my eyes too.

AN: Part 3 will most probably be the last part of this. Hope you liked this one. Please drop suggestions and feedback in the comments!

1026 words.

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