BH: rushed to the ER

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AN: Here's a bughead one cuz I had the inspiration to write one

Betty POV:

I sit on the kitchen island, typing away some important e-mails regarding the Register since I own it now. While humming to the music playing on a pretty low volume. I take my eyes off of my screen for a second to see Jughead dancing a bit to the music while making waffles for breakfast. I really don't understand how is he so energetic at 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday. I giggle a little at him which causes him to turn around and catch me staring at him with heart eyes, "What are you giggling at?" He says smiling back at me. "Just at my fiancé being a dork as usual," I giggle even more while getting up, going around the island and putting my arms around him. "I will never be able to get over that giggle, Betts," He says, now placing his hands gently on my waist and looking down at me. "I know," before I could continue, I hear small footsteps come down the stairs revealing our 1 and half year daughter, Juliet, in tears. Jughead immediately turns the music off, while I go up to her and take her in my arms and lift her off of the floor. She instantly buries her face in my neck and closes her eyes. I gave a worried look to Jug as he is coming towards us, "Why don't we go sit down in the living room?" he speaks quietly and I nod.

As I sit down on the couch, Juliet cries out softly, "Mommy," "Its okay baby, I'm just sitting down on the couch, do you want to go to dada?" I ask her knowing she's more of a Daddy's girl, which is good. She nods against my neck and I give her to Jug who is sitting right next to me, just as puzzled as I am. She places her head against Jugs chest as he wraps his arms around her protectively. "Cold," She mumbles loud enough for the both of us to hear. Jughead looks up at me and I nod. I quickly get up and run upstairs to grab one of her blankets.

Jughead POV:

While Betty has gone to grab her blanket, I decide to male small talk with Juliet to find out what's wrong. "What's the matter, princess?" She sits up straight and looks up at me, "Head hurts and cold," she speaks before placing her head onto my chest again. I swiftly lift her t-shirt up a little from behind to see if she has a fever or not. "What's wrong Jug?" She asks me entering the living room with a pink blanket in her arms, "Betty she's burning, look," Betty puts the blanket aside and places her hand where mine was previously, Juliet's back, "Oh my god, Jug. She has a fever!" Betty exclaims with worry on her face. "We need to sponge her immediately Betts. Could you get the stuff while I take her upstairs and call the doctor's office to make an appointment?" Betty just stares into my eyes and nods. She comes up to me and Juliet, who is still in my arms and kisses her forehead, "You're gonna be okay bug." 

As soon as I reached upstairs, I go up to Juliet's bed and place her in the middle of it carefully and gently. I stroke her head when I see that her lips are dry like REALLY dry. I pour her a glass of water from a bottle kept on her bedside table as always. "Baby, I need you to get up for a little bit, to drink water." She simply nods. I help her sit up a and support her back from one hand help her drink the water with the other. She lays down as soon as betty walks in. "Jug, we need to check her temperature first," "Your right Betts," I reply as she hands me the thermometer. "Open wide princess," Juliet nervously opens her mouth and I place the thermometer carefully under her tongue. "Betts, I'm gonna make a doctors appointment okay?" "Okay"

"Alright sir, The patient's name is Juliet Jones, almost 2 years old, symptoms are high fever, headache, and very dry lips." the assistant confirms over the phone, "Yes," I reply sighing at the thought of how sick my daughter is. "Sir, I can give you an appointment for 12:30 pm," I look at the clock in the hallways showing 9 am and I sigh. "Ma'am, please, can't it be any earlier, my daughter is really sick and needs immediate care. Please try and understand." I beg her over the phone. She sighs, "Sir, you may come in at 11 but I can't guarantee that the doctor will see your daughter immediately, you may have to wait for 15 mins or even 20," "That should be fine, thank you, we'll be there." "Thank you for calling sir, have a good day." 

*time skip by 1 hour, betty and  jug sponged Juliet*

"She's finally asleep," I mumble quietly while Betty is sitting next to me and Juliet in my arms. I put her down on the bed and she stirs a little but then falls asleep again. Damn, she really ill. Right then, my phone begins to buzz. I look at the caller ID to see an important call for the Register, I look at and she nods my head as I go downstairs and take the call.

Betty's POV:

I really had to pee bad and since Juliet was fast asleep, I thought it'll be alright if I'm gone a couple of minutes.

Jughead POV:

The call ended withing 3 minutes so I start to make my way back to Juliet's bedroom. Before that, I see Betty coming out of our room and so we walk together to Juliet's. We were in the hallway leading to her room when we see her walking out of her room. "M-mama," is the only word that comes out of her mouth before she faints and collapses onto the floor.

At that moment, my heart dropped. There was nothing but worry on my face as I ran to my daughter and pick her up bridal style while Betty comes behind me. "We need to take her to the hospital now!" I shout out loud. Betty is already in tears, scared even more than me. "Take her to the car, I'll grab necessary stuff and be there in a minute," I nod and rush downstairs, grabbing the car keys and run out the door. 

Betty POV

My heart has never beat so fast in my whole life. Tears are streaming down my face as my precious 1 and a half-year-old daughter just FAINTED. I grab a shoulder bag and throw in a water bottle, an extra pair of Juliet's clothes, diapers, a baby blanket, and her stuffed Lamb stuffed animal. I run down the stairs, grab my keys and close the door shut. I climb into the backseat of the car where Jughead had laid Juliets unconscious and pale body. As soon as I close my door, Jughead starts to drive as fast as we can to the hospital. I place my fingers on her wrist, "She has a pulse, its faint but its there," I say softly.

Jughead POV

"SOMEBODY HELP ME, MY DAUGHTER FAINTED!" I scream barging into the ER, Betty right next to me. I'm bawling my eyes out because I'm scared to death at this point. Two nurses and one doctor come running in while bringing one of those hospital beds with wheels on the bottom as I place Juliet on it. "Juliet Jones, 1 and a half year old. She had a hundred and four fever, headache, dry lips and now fainted." Betty cries out as Juliet is being rushed to one of the rooms, "Noted ma'am, sorry you will have to stay outside." 

Betty POV:

"NO PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER AWAY!" I scream as they take Juliet into a room as Jughead pulls me into a tight hug. My head buried in his chest and his buried in the back of my neck. We both stand there for about two minutes. For those 2 minutes, Jughead tries to whisper things to calm me down, but he is unable to as he is so scared himself. We pull away, crying uncontrollably, I'm worse than him. Jug always tries to stay strong for me and doesn't show that he is scared, but I know he is. My lip trembles as I whimper. "Shhhhh, Betts. It's all okay. Juliet is gonna be alright, she's a fighter, just like her mom." Jughead says while cupping my face with his palms. 

AN: Hey, So I will be posting the part 2 of this after a sprousehart one shot I've received a request for and also for there to be a lil suspense. and I oop-

Please give me feedback for my stories and please send in requests, I really appreciate them.

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