Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya loves to spend warm summer evenings sitting next to his father as he reads a book, he loves days he spends playing (and losing) video games with Tomura, his big brother, not genetically, but the sentiment was real. He also loves time spent with Kurogiri, even though he wasn't quite sure what the mist man was to him and his family, but Kurogiri did take care of him and teach Izuku almost everything the boy knows, so he just called Kurogiri Kuro-Sensei. Izuku would have gone with only Sensei, but that's what Tomura called his dad, and he didn't want to cause any confusion.

His days were always peaceful, each the same as the last, but they were different enough not to be boring. Kurogiri would wake him up by opening the blind in his room allowing the sunlight to trickle in. Izuku would get dressed and head to the dining room to eat the undoubtedly delicious breakfast that Kuro-sensei has prepared with his father and brother. The greenette would then find his brother for lessons and Kuro-Sensei would teach them. After that was done, Kurogiri would leave them to work on their assignments and start cooking lunch. Once they finished their assignments, Tomura and Izuku would then eat lunch and go back to school for another two hours give or take a little. Once this time passed Dad would come to get Tomura, and they would go into the basement a place Izuku wasn't allowed to go. Typically Kurogiri would go with them, but on the odd occasion he didn't, Kuro-Sensei would teach him combat skills and how to fight with some weapons.
Life was straightforward until the day after his ninth birthday Izuku was introduced to the family business.

"Izuku," his father said when he came to pick Tomura up from lessons with Kuro-Sensei. "Since you are now nine I think you're old enough to come with Tomura and me."
Izuku's verdant eyes widened, and he practically jumped out of his chair running to his dad, getting a laugh from him. The small boy looked up at his father; he had a warm smile and eyes held the same joy as he pats Izuku's head ruffling his hair. "I finally get to go! Thank you, Dad! Thank you!"

"It's not like you're going to be doing much though," Tomura said crossing his arms. Izuku looked at him slightly disappointed, but he knew he would be excited to go to the basement with them for the first time.

"What will I be doing then?" Izuku said looking up at Tomura, who grinned and uncrossed his arms.

"You'll be with Sensei, and you'll watch. I've been the one deal making for a little while now." He held a smug look. Through it wasn't like he didn't earn it. Dad always demanded good work from everyone. However, Tomura always was childish with the way he acted, but the work he did was still good.

"Yes Izuku, don't worry you'll be with me." His father said holding his son's hand as he opened the door. All for One leads them to the basement through the winding halls of the mansion each furnished extravagantly. Soon they reached the rich, no longer forbidden, mahogany, door that leads to the basement. His father used one of his quirks to unlock the door. The stairwell was only one person wide, so Izuku had to let go of his father's hand and walk behind him.

He was lead through a series of doors with Tomura, and eventually they walked into an office room, it was plain, but the furnishings were luxurious and spoke of power. Tomura sat behind the desk, but they continued. Behind the desk, there was another door, and they went into that room, and it had two plush, red, armchairs and a large TV with four camera angles. All for One sat down in one of them motioning Izuku to sit in the other.

A man walked in the room that Shigaraki was in. He looked sleazy and was in a dress suit that had a bright blue suit jacket. The man waltzes in like he owns the place and then sits down, he paused as if wondering whether to put his feet up on the desk or not. He didn't, Izuku was glad for that his brother has a temper and he would not react well to that.

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