Chapter 12

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Hisashi angrily paced his office in front of his rich mahogany desk. It has been four months, and he was no closer to getting his son back. His spies could not figure out where in UA he was being held so he couldn't have Kurogiri retrieve him. He sighed, his head burned from its old injury and his stress. Maybe this would have to be a game played for the long run.

All for One leaned against the wall raising a hand to his face; its unnatural smoothness was no comfort. The man sighed walking to his desk and sitting in his red chair. The supervillain worried that his son would become like his uncle. Izuku reminded him of his long-dead brother, and he had always feared they would walk the same path. Hisashi had promised himself that he would let that happen again, yet he failed, just as he had failed his brother.

At least he had figured out what he was going to do with Izuku when he came back home, permanently this time. He was looking for memory altering quirks; he was going to wait for the perfect moment to take Izuku back. Even if it was years from now, and he would alter his memories to show him how horrible the heroes are. He would hate them an never leave his father's side again.

Izuku would be his little prince, kept away from the world and its evils. He would be with his father forever, but you could only get that if you cage the bird.

Izuku was allowed to walk around UA as long as he stayed in the main building. He was given that privilege as soon as Aizawa told Nezu that he was not going to try to escape. It was Aizawa's free period, so Izuku was currently walking to his office. He knocked on the door twice before he opened it.

Aizawa gave an annoyed look until he realized that it was Izuku and smiled. "What brings you here Izuku?" Izuku smiled back walking into the office and closing the door sitting in a chair across from Aizawa.

"Nothing—but I was wondering—would you let me analyze your student's quirks?" Izuku said starts in his eyes; he was starved for new information. There were only so many heroes that he knew and he needs new topics to journalize, or he would get bored. What if he decided to run away if he was bord? Or do something bad? He couldn't take that chance. He couldn't. Aizawa smiled and said he could, then Izuku added more to his request, "like, can I go with you to field training tomorrow?"

"Well, that's not really up to me. Why don't you ask Nezu?" Izuku slouched after hearing this. He tried to avoid Nezu as much as he could. Outside of the lessons, he avoided him like the plague and rarely saw him, and he never went looking for the dog-mouse. The principle was unnerving and simple did not offer the mental support that Izuku need and the other teachers did. To him, Nezu was just there to look after him and make sure he isn't like his father, and he hated that. Izuku fidgeted, "He's your guardian, and he's the boss around here Izuku."

"I wish you were my guardian." Stated simply, crossing his arms, it was true. Aizawa sighed, but Izuku ignored his signal to stop. "He's not even human so why is he, my guardian? I'm much closer to you than him, and I'm afraid to talk to a dog-mouse."

"Don't let anyone else hear you say that Izuku. It is rude. One would think you would know better than to judge him for not being a human, after being judged as a villain."

"It's true though!"

"I won't ask Nezu for you. You'll have to do it yourself if you want to go with," Aizawa said before getting back to work, he ignored the huffs and sighs from Izuku as the boy got up and sulked his way out to the door before Aizawa spoke again, "Before you go, when is your birthday?"

There was a pause as Izuku had to remember it. "It's... It's July 15?"

"You had to think about that? And why does the answer sound more like a question that an answer?" Izuku turned slightly pink and opened his mouth to respond, "So it about two months away then. If you want to do something special you should talk to Nezu."

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