Chapter 7

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Izuku ran for a long time. His legs were like jello when he found an uninhabited overpass that hid and collapsed under. His heart beat loudly, and he could feel the thumping in his ears causing them to feel like they were going to explode. Sweat trickled down his face and made his villain outfit cling uncomfortably to his sweaty body. He was exhausted, and his eyelids were heavy with each blink they struggled to open. Izuku had over exhausted himself, and he was cursing himself for that. He would need to rest now, and all he could do was hope that nothing terrible would happen to him.

The young boy fell asleep. He had a dream, a dream that no matter how hard you try to wake up from you can't—a horrible, horrible nightmare. Izuku was struggling in a frozen lake; he had fallen through the clear ice he pounded and scratched at it till he bled, his legs burned and his body had gone numb from the cold, he was struggling to move his frozen limbs now. Above it was Akira staring at him blankly. After he inhaled the icy water into his burning lungs, she looked up and started to walk away, abandoning him. The scared little boy felt something claw and his foot, and he looked down into the abyss of the lake. Tomura grasped at his ankles with one finger carefully lifted, the fingers held his ankles and dragged him down into the inky darkness.

Izuku was then woken up by something even more unpleasant if that was even possible. There was what looked like bandaged wrapped around him. He tried to escape the bond but it was futile, he stopped struggling and looked at the culprit. It was a man who looked like he hadn't slept in ages. He eyes glowed red, and his hair floated around him. The boy felt he knew him from somewhere, well of course he did but, the man was a pro-hero...where he knew the man from didn't matter right now. Izuku tried to grasp his quirk only for it to slip away from him; it was almost like it was gone. His eyes. They were glowing red, on a hunch Izuku spit at his eyes, he closed them, and Izuku struggled against his bonds. Fumbled to use his quirk–the one he was born with–the boy felt for the man's quirk and pulled as gentle and fast as he could, the man screamed in pain. Izuku wasn't gentle enough! The boy stopped his quirk not wanting to kill the man but instantly regretted it. The man then used his quirk on Izuku; he had lost his only trump card. The pro hero pulled on the scarf and shoved him forcefully to the ground. His jaw was slammed shut biting his lip. Then he saw the blood pool around him and tasted the iron liquid in his mouth.

"STAY STILL!" The voice was furious and gruff. The man had one knee on his back digging into his shoulder blade and the other leg holding down Izuku's legs. One of the pro's hands was keeping Izuku's head on pressed uncomfortably to the ground, putting pressure on his bitten lip. He pulled out a phone and started to call someone. "Tsukauchi! I got Deku- the underpass by Kimoto Park!"
Izuku was struggling with all his might, heart beating erratically fueled by adrenaline and fear. He desperately squirmed against the capture weapon and the man's weight trying to force the man of him. The man would have to blink eventually right? He was struggling to reach for his quirk; it was just out of his grasp! He had to get away! Izuku had to go back to Tomura! Izuku had to go back to his father! They were probably worried for him; he needs to get back to them! He needed to get back to them before they thought he betrayed them again! He needed to! No, he must!

The pro hero was loosening his grip on Izuku's head, and he was able to talk if he tried, and tried he did, "You going to have to blink eventually," Izuku said putting scornful snideness in his voice, Izuku gave a cold laugh after that.

"You'd be surprised how long I can keep my eyes open."

"You know if I take a quirk to fast I will kill the person," Izuku said hoping the threat might do something, it didn't, and the man remained silent. Izuku managed to get his right arm to move a little, and he fumbled fingers just able to brush against the throwing knife he had hidden in his knee-high boots. After fumbling for a few more seconds, it was in his hands. Izuku slowly brought it up to the scarf.
The pro hero noticed it and shifted his weight putting pressure on Izuku right arm forcing him to drop the knife. "You're just a child!" This statement had a silent sadness to it. It was true he was just a child, but that did not matter. It never mattered, and it never will.

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