Chapter 8

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"Those don't matter as much as your actions. You can have criminal family members and still be a good person, and you can have a harmful quirk but never use it for evil. You can choose to do good, in fact, you already have in your own as a vigilante. So why are you choosing to be a villain now?" Eraserhead's voice was sharp and short. Izuku thought about what he said. It was true but... There was always more to these things than what met the eye.

"I know I have a choice but—it's not really a choice..." Izuku trailed off and began to mutter about how there was no choice. It simply wasn't an option to betray his family no matter how bad they were. He pushes himself closer to the wall just to get away from the pro hero. "What's your name?"

"It's Aizawa, don't change the subject." Izuku nodded, and then Aizawa opened his mouth to continue but was interrupted by the green haired boy.

"Now I know why I thought you were familiar!" The name had jogged Izuku's memory. This was the pro hero assigned to his case. The one he was going to stalk. He'll have to leave the last part of that out, "You're the Pro hero assigned to my case. When I gave Tsukauchi his flowers, I looked around a little—"

"I thought you may have done something like that. I'm not surprised. Now back to what we were discussing," Izuku frowned at the fact that he was going to have to continue this conversation. The boy really wanted to be in ignorant bliss of his actions. "Why are you not a hero?"

"The same reasons I'm a villain you idiot," Izuku said, this was beginning to irritate him. He did not want to talk about this. He's been over this before. He's a villain. Not a hero. That's the way things are. "Why do you care anyway?"

"I care because I hate seeing such a young child do bad things, awful things, that will haunt him for the rest of his life traping him in the bleak reality that comes with being a villain. I want to help you escape that path." Izuku knew Aizawa's words were his own version of the truth. He never had to deal with the things Izuku has had to, and he knew nothing. But he still wanted to help, he wants to save him, and even that meant something. It hurt to know that. It's times like these he wished he was never born. He wouldn't have hurt his father or brother that way, and he wouldn't have hurt any heroes.

The young boy laughed bitterly, "The world really would be a better place without me."

"Don't say that!" Aizawa leaned forward concern dripping from his voice. There was a silence before he spoke again. "Don't you dare believe that, because it's wrong."

"It's the truth. You can try to deny it, but I know. I know the truth. All Might wouldn't have to worry about me becoming my father. Tsukauchi wouldn't have to waste his time on me. You wouldn't have to waste time on me. I would have never betrayed my family a first time, and there would be no chance to do it twice either." Izuku tried to push away the emotions that came with this truth, and the words were spoken with dull neutrality. But it was useless. He was useless. Izuku soon cried, he soon felt the man pull him into a hug he did not fight it. He did not want to. This hug was full of warmth and caring. It was as warm and his father's smile. That thought only made Izuku cry more, he started to hug the man back, and in between sobs he managed a shaky, "Th-that's the, the t-truth. I-t fucking h-hurts! But its, its the truth!" The man only hugged him tighter after this.

Soon the sobs died down to silent tears and hiccups, and the man rubs circles into the boys back. Once he felt the boy was calm enough, Aizawa said, "Izuku, listen to me, you are not a burden to me or anyone. All Might, Tsukauchi and I were concerned because a child should not be a vigilante or villain. A child should be a child, enjoying their innocence...It's not your fault that this happened. The only thing you are to be blamed for is continuing to believe you are a villain. You aren't. You're just a child, and that's all you need to be right now."

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