Chapter 6

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Tsukauchi sat in his office hands together in calculation as he poured over reports. He had just got the news of Nanase Sasaki's escape. He had already made the necessary phone calls to All Might and Eraserhead. This girl was troublesome. He was about to go through the process of find ways to lessen her punishment when he got the news. There goes all that work out the window and the chance of possibly not being trailed as an adult. The detective rubbed his temples and sighed. Naomasa hated seeing good people do things like this and ruining their lives. She was so young too! It hurt him that some people felt that they were forced into hard lives as children, forced to be vigilantes and villains, especially people so young like Nanase and Izuku.


His mind rested on him for a moment. He thought back to the information given by Akira and began to write it down on a new sheet of paper.

Izuku M?

Trickster with a good heart. He doesn't want to hurt people, but, he will hurt people if forced into a bad situation.
Easily peer pressured
Hero Complex


Ability to hide in shadows, undetectable
Minor physical enhancements?
Regeneration (given to Akira)
Villains he fought (case files)
Approximately 37 quirks


Influence unknown degree

Older brother
He possible has AfO as well?

His teacher? His influence must be strong because of that.

Naomasa sighed as he wrote down his thoughts. This wasn't anything at all, in fact, it was as good as nothing. The fact that there was an older brother too was concerning. Did that man have even more children? How many had his quirk? How many had a strong quirk? They must all be villains too. Were they all forced to be villains like Izuku? So many crucial questions that went without answers. But more than anything the detective was concerned for the boy's well being, and the well being of any of his siblings. Who knows what they were having him do currently who knows what he's already done and who knows what he will do. They were not pleasant things.

In All Might's and his opinion, it was in everyone's best interest to ensure the boy's safety. It was also in everyone's benefit to make sure that he is a hero beyond anything else. If this boy became a hero, you could safely say that they would never have to worry about All for One ever again, or any other villain. The boy had the most astonishing power of them all, the ability to move power from one person to another or to take it as his own. As much as he hated to admit it, he was going to use the boy once he was on the right side of things. The detective took comfort in the truth that it would be for the greater good of society. Using the boy would not be an evil act; no, it would be an act of mercy to everyone an act of purity.

Izuku was knocked down for the very last time. And that was because you could no longer get up by himself, his legs felt like rubber noodles and, every inch of his body was bloodied and bruised. I held these bruises as a point of pride because they were proof that he did not give up, Even when facing 'training' from Invisibilia. Izuku felt no shame with the fact that he cried when she said that he was going to call Kurogiri to pick him up. The phone call did not go as planned, and instead, Izuku was going to go to his father's after training. Once he learned that his veins turned to ice.

Stomach knotted, dread coursed through his heart and burrowed into his mind. Did not want to see his father, even though he loves him. Is anxious and pain riddled mine thought he must be in trouble, the reason he did not know. Monsterous black, purple Mist appeared before him, he stepped through the portal with hesitation, the coolness crossed his skin, the eerie feeling of the warp gate. On the other side was the rich mahogany walls of his father's home. Each wall adorned with old furnishings each unique and handmade. In the center of the room was a rich desk card with beautiful Renditions of battles long past. His father had the antique desk for as long as a boy could remember, and of course, it was one of his most prized possessions. He reminisces time he and Tomura were playing in the office with jealousy at the simple times. Tomura who was pushed back hitting the richly carved wood with his head. His father startled by the noise and worried his favorite desk would be ruined yelled at them, furiously sending them both to their rooms without dinner.

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