Chapter 5

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Izuku woke up to Kurogiri knocking on his door. Just like old times but slightly different... He gets ready and heads down to the bar where Shigaraki is already seated eating breakfast, and there's a plate for Izuku. He sits down and eats quickly. Once he is done Tomura leaves to talk with Sensei about him continuing his vigilante work.

"Young master," Izuku is startled out of his thoughts by Kuro-sensei, "I've been meaning to talk to you since you got back. First off, I assume you have not been keeping up with your studies while you were gone?"

"N-no, I haven't." Izuku was glad he was at least talking to him now, and his eyes weren't squinted. "Will you start teaching me again?"

"Of course, young master. There's more to discuss, however. I keep thinking back to the night you ran away, and how premediated all of it was. Very well thought out and calculated for a nine-year-old. My point is that you're a brilliant boy, someone who I am fond of and proud to call my student. I never want to see you on the wrong side of things, and I never want to fight you." There was a pause as Kurogiri let the words sink in. "When you stole from your father and me, up and left, you broke that trust had in you. I'm not sure I will ever blindly trust your words and actions like I once did. I want to have trust in you again, Izuku. That is all I have to say."

The man turned away from Izuku just as the boy's eyes started to water focusing on his task of cleaning the dishes. Izuku was touched by the words and then pushed into guilt by what he had done and the lost trust that the man may never have again. He swallowed his tears and managed to say, in a serious and truthful voice, "I won't betray my family's trust ever again, Kuro-Sensei!"

"I hope so. Because I will not forgive you a second time." Izuku gulped, and there was a long silence. After the dishes were done, Kurogiri turned to look at Izuku again and said, "Now there's the matter of trainging—you've had some because of your... Deku persona—you will need some training for the stealth missions you will be part of until you get more quirks back."

"Okay! Are you going to teach me?" The boy said with excitement; he was going to make the best out of today. He was also glad the Kurogiri told him how he felt. Today was pretty decent.

"Ah, sadly I'm not the one who will teach you stealth. That will be Invisibilia." Kurogiri said as he began to polish some of the glasses. As if on queue she makes her presence known with a hello. "You've been here a little while?"

"I got here at the 'I will not forgive you a second time,' but that's none of my business. It's already forgotten." Invisibilia said she understood people's need for privacy and frankly she didn't care what her new pupil did. She was getting paid to teach, and the money was all the mattered for now. "Anyway, Izuku, you're all ready for training?"

Izuku gave a noded, and the Kurogiri opened a warp gate for them. They arrived into a warehouse that was full of boxes, machines, and looked like the people who had occupied it just up and left it in maze-like disarray. After they arrive, Kurogiri closed the warp gate leaving them alone.

"Fight me, kid," she stated boldly standing still waiting for him to charge, move, do anything.


Izuku saw nothing but felt a heavy blow hit him in the stomach; he collapsed in a heaving mess on the floor puking what used to be breakfast. He heaved, gasped for breath, and was hacking up a lung. Tears fell from his eyes. Once he caught his breath he got up with a stagger, he stood up and looked like a puppet with cut strings. Izuku's head was down, held low in silent threat, he looked at Invisibilia rage burned in verdant eyes. He managed to rasp out a burning, "What the fuck."

"What the fuck?" She laughed at him, her hands waving in dismissal. "Memorize this kid: One, you do what I tell you. Two, you never let your guard down. Three, getting the shit beat out of you is the best way to learn."

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