Chapter 3

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Akira woke up in a trashed alley in a pool of coagulated blood, which thanks to her memories, she knew what hers. Her sword laid next to her, she sheathed it and got up. Once her body was upright, she realized how much she felt like shit. Akira's body ached, and she felt like each limb weighed several tons, and she knew what that felt like. "What the fuck." What all she managed to say. The bluette looked at the sky the sun was starting to come over the horizon. She jumped up as light as a feather and landed on the roof sprinting home hoping that idiot of hers didn't go out looking for her. Hell, she couldn't even comprehend the fact that she was alive, or at least she thought she was...

Izuku woke up to someone petting his hair, gently. He didn't dare open his eyes, everything that happened last night was too foggy for him to remember anything after the time he spent at Akira's home, and he knew Akira wouldn't be petting his hair. The boy tried to calm his breathing before he could open his eyes. However, he never got the chance, "I know you're awake Izuku."

Izuku's heart stopped and died once he heard that voice. Father. Izuku was terrified to open his eyes now, he could already feel his father's divine judgment being passed upon him. His eyes were scrunched closed, and nothing short from God himself would be able to pry them open. Maybe they thought that they could defy reality if they stayed closed? "Before you open your eyes, little Izuku, I may look very different..." The voice trailed in a sad note, and he stopped petting Izuku's hair for a moment. Izuku felt like he was going to explode, he wanted to hug his father and apologize for ever even thinking of leaving and have life go back to the way it was. He also wanted sass his dad and tell him why he left, and what he's been doing as a vigilante, Akira's been a bad influence. He also wanted to crawl in a corner and die. All of the options he faced were equally appealing and bad. So all the possibilities were disastrous. However, the first would probably be the best to go with. But, first, he needed to open his forsaken eyes.

Through a show of pure, unholy, will power, Izuku opened his eyes and saw his father. His face was marred in scar tissue. The only thing left was his mouth that held an accusatory frown. Izuku felt hot tears trickle down his face, they were running away and scared too. While Izuku was gone, this had happened to his father. Izuku had no idea. It looks...horrific. Very fucking terrifying. So awful that Izuku knew that his father could have died, hell, he probably should have. But he was so thankful he didn't. Why had he ever left? Just because he did not want to hurt anyone. He could have just talked about how he felt with his dad. If he had done things differently, he would have been there for him when he got injured.

"I'm s-sorry!" Izuku cried tears pouring out of his eyes. He clenched his fists to his side nails piercing the skin to draw blood in an attempt to pay for his sins. No matter how unhappy he would have been in the family business, it would not have anything against this feeling of regret for not being with his father.

"Then why didn't you come home?"

The words were a rolling thundercloud, cold wind came from it, anger rooted deep in its being. Izuku shivered from their cold and righteous anger. The young boy opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, his words were struck down before they could be spoken. He then continued voice holding the same rolling thunder, "Do you know how worried I was? Then I connect the dots, missing quirks, and a new vigilante, that fits the same age and weight as you."

Izuku flinched at every word and breath of the man. He had been a little reckless but he was not in any real danger as long as Akira was there and she was for the most part. The boy wanted to say something, but even he knew that now was not the time. "I can not even find words to express how disappointed I was when I realized you ran away and stole from me." Then Izuku felt a tug that meant only one thing. He didn't fight back, soon all 57 stolen quirks were gone. "I'm confiscating these. I'll give them back once I find you are trustworthy."

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