Chapter 13

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Izuku watched as Akira parried a man's attack with her sword. She moved around fluidly around their attack, elegantly like a dancer. She had always put an unnecessary flare to the movements, and that sometimes got her hurt. He was going to force her to take the quirk back. He wasn't going to need it couped up in UA.

The greenette was going to worry about that later, for now, he was interested in the man's quirk. He could shoot frozen air pelts out of his fingers, they were about the size a softball. Izuku used All for One to look at the quirk and was disgusted about how poorly mismanaged it was. First of all the guy could easily control the size of the pellets with the bare minimum amount of training.

Izuku then felt the urge to take that man's quirk. This happened whenever a quirk piqued his interest. He usually was able to subdue the need but only had one quirk at his disposal. Not enough. He closed his eyes and felt the warmth of the man's quirk, it was so unique. An airy feel to it, among other things. He then started to tug, slowly.

After a few minutes, it was his. Then he realized what he has done. The man shouted screaming about his quirk being gone. He looked at Akira, and she looked at him. He turned around and ran, his feet numbly landing on the roofs, and he jumps and runs across them.

Izuku suddenly stopped running once he was sure Akira was gone. When his body jerked from the sudden stop, all his emotions and thoughts came up in an unbound flurry. How could you do that? Why? He hasn't done anything wrong enough to be doomed to a quirkless life. How could you? Control yourself! Izuku collapsed onto his knees breathe quick and panicked, but the air entering and leaving his lung did nothing. He was choking.

He took his hand and slammed it against the ground the feeling of it creaking and the pain, the pain grounded him. But he kept slamming his fists against the ground, and as fast as they were hurt they healed. Eventually, he stopped and pressed his head against the roof back arching, and he cried, "th-at's...t-hat's nev-ver h-happened be-before."

The young boy sat up tiling his head towards the stars he could never touch, "I am a villain." The statement was simple, and it hurt with its truth. Izuku took that man's quirk for no reason other than he was using it poorly and it would be better in his hands. He tore off his ski mask and hoodie, discarding them over the side of the building. He sat in his white t-shirt and jeans, the cold night air chilling him.

A cruel tainted smile fell about his face as he stood up, and spoke calmly, void of emotion, "No, I was just utterly selfish. Disgustingly selfish..."

He thought to himself that his he being selfish and disgusting he might as well embrace his impurity. Because if he didn't, Izuku didn't think he would be able to live with himself. Izuku knew that he would never be ready to embrace this part of himself. The boy took a deep breath, and with it, he banished his emotions, instead of embracing it he would learn to not care. He just wouldn't feel it.

With his newfound apathy, he ran in the direction of UA. He crested the hill and then felt sick. Izuku leaped into a shadow before he was seen. It was Present Mic, Nezu and most importantly Aizawa. He got closer hiding in the shadows, they were talking, and he wanted to know what they were saying.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him that much. He's a good boy but—well his kid and with his history..." Present Mic trailed off but then picked up again, "I think he ran away. We need to go look for him!"

"He's a good boy," Aizawa mocked, before continuing, "I know you don't really believe that. You probably still see him as a villain. I think that he's going to come back. You should have faith in him."

Nezu stayed silent drink tea. Izuku frowned, they knew. His heart sunk, and he turned around walking down so that he could make a real entrance. Once he was far enough down he walked back to the path and then continued back up to make his entrance. Izuku forced himself to not cry and breathed in several times, deeply, and with each breath, he became more distant from himself and his emotions. He walked up the hill, and this time he left them to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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