It's Sharing Time!

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(Natsu's POV)

Geez, it's about time everyone showed up! They took forever! Was Lucy staring at me? That's kinda weird.

I pet a sleeping Happy and glance around at everyone, while Gramps got ready to give his announcement. The guild became quiet as soon as he held hid hand up.

"Everyone, as you know, today is the day when you share your sexuality with your guild mates. Now, if there is any teasing or harm done to others because of what gender they like, you will be punished. " He declared.

Everyone nodded, and he began again. "You may now start sharing!"

Lucy stood up with a bright smile. "I'm Pansexual!"

Levy, Cana, Mira, and Laxus stood up as well. "So am I!" They cheered in unison.

Juvia stood up and exclaimed she was bisexual, which was a huge surprise to me because I thought she only liked guys.

Ice Princess and Freed stood up at the same time and announced that they were gay. I was about to stand up as well but hesitated, and stayed sitting. Juvia looked extremely surprised, it was really funny.

Evergreen, Gajeel, and Elfman said they were asexual.

No one else stood up after that, so we assumed they were straight.

Erza looked at me, confused. "Natsu, you're straight?"

"U-uhm yes. " I lied. Now listen, I know everyone was coming out today but, I still was afraid. Everyone I ever told my sexuality to has either started to hate me, or just leaves me all together. I know Gramps said that no one would be mean but, I'm not taking those chances. Not again.

"Oh please, stop lying. You are not. " Gajeel grunted.

"Yeah? Well guess what? I only like girls. " I glared and stood up. I grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her in for a kiss..... And she kissed back, with a smile.

Oh shit. This is really bad.

I felt everyone staring at us, but I had to keep this act up. I glanced over and saw a certain group of girls slightly glaring at us. I wonder why. Anyway, I couldn't leave Lucy hanging, so I kissed her again and the guild cheered. Lucy blushed and giggled in response. This didn't feel right. It's going against how I feel. I can't hurt her feelings, I know how she feels about me. But it's just not right. I know it's not. Because I see him.

And he looks horrified.

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