Where are we now?

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(Lucy's POV)

I woke up and my head was pounding,  and my ears ringing.  My eyes fluttered open,  it was dark.  I realized something was covering my eyes,  but I could sense it was still dark in the room. My heart rate increased,  I was panicking.  Where am I? What happened? I opened my mouth to say something,  surprisingly enough,  I wasn't gagged. "Hello?" I asked quietly,  but no answer. 

I struggled to sit up,  my arms were tied behind me and legs were tied as well. My foot hit something and I heard a groan.  Just then the room felt colder and I knew I wasn't alone.  "G-gray? Are you there?" I heard a soft grunt and some shuffling.  They must have sat up.

"Lucy..? Yeah I'm here.  A-are you alright. " He answered shakily.

I sighed in relief. "I'm fine. Well,  except for being tied up obviously, " I said bitterly.

"You're alive at least." Gray chuckled. "I wonder where we are. "

"Same here. " I answer and shiver as my bare arm touched the cold stone walls.

(Gray's POV)

Well this is great.  I love spending my day being tied up in a damp stone room.  I need to find a way for us to get out.  I considered looking for Lucy's keys,  but I know I'd get yelled at if my hand touched the wrong spot.  I ran my hands against the floor,  looking for anything.  But nothing.  I sighed angrily and accidentally hit my head on the wall with a 'thump'.  That didn't help my current headache at all.

I think Lucy knew I was about to say something dumb and she shushed me.  My theory was proven incorrect as I heard footsteps coming closer. I immediately closed my mouth.

"It looks like they are awake sir,  would you like us to turn the light on?" A voice rang throughout the room.

"Yes,  if you will. " Another voice answered.  It sounded familiar.

The light streamed through my blindfold making me cringe.  I could tell Lucy did the same because I heard her mutter a 'too bright. '

"Sorry about that,  love but I must say,  I don't really care. " The familiar voice answered.

"Well you don't have to be an ass about it. " She answered. She definitely wasn't taking any crap today.

"Tch. Anyway,  how are you feeling?" He asked when he stopped in front of me.

"Oh I'm fine.  Yeah.  Like,  this place is incredible,  the employees have been treating us so well.  We just love being tied up in a dark,  dank stone room without food or water and the ability to see. " I replied sarcastically.

"Good to see you haven't changed,  Gray.  That's one of the things I love about you. " The male told me in a sadistic tone of voice,  making my hair stand on end.

"What do you want with us? Tell me. " Lucy demanded,  getting tired of our useless banter.

"Well you see,  I plan to use the both of you as bait,  so what is mine stays mine. Whoever cares for you two,  will come find you.  Correct? Now,  those people,  are obstacles.  They simply just need to be gone. Especially anyone who comes for you,  Gray. " He answered darkly.

"Why me?" I asked,  swallowing my panic so it doesn't show in my voice.

"You.  Are.  Mine. " He took my face in his hand,  forcing me to face him.  He then ripped my blind fold off.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Those black eyes were impossible to forget.

My eyes widened and I started shaking against my will. "Y-you?!"

"Glad you recognize me.  It sure has been a while." He chuckled with a smirk.
"Lyon... Why..?"

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