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(Gray's POV)

I..... I can't breathe.  It feel like my whole world is crashing down.  I looked over at the couple in horror. Natsu glanced at me,  and he smirked?! My lungs feel like their about to explode.  My hope that Natsu would like me back.... Disappeared. Dammit,  I can't take this sight anymore.  Shit... I feel sick.

(No one's POV)

Gray ran out of the guild,  tears threatening to fall from his now dull eyes.

Lucy noticed him and giggled a little before she kissed the pinkettes once more.  Most of the guild cheered... Except for Juvia,  Erza,  Wendy,  Carla,   and Mira,  who frowned.  You see,  earlier when Juvia looked surprised,  she was surprised to find out that Freed liked guys. ( She's not very observant.) Gray had already told her about his crush on Natsu,  and she had taken it very well.

Erza sighed and looked at the other girls with a frown. They nodded and went to go stop Lucy and Natsu from making out in front of the entire guild.

"Guys! What are you doinggg?" Lucy whined as Juvia and Wendy pulled her off of him.

"Yeah what's up?" Natsu asked when Mira and Erza pulled him away.

"Please go take that somewhere private.  No one wants to see you two eating each other's face. " Wendy said and the two huffed.

Lucy grabbed Natsus hand with a giggle and dragged him off. Natsu frowned a little and replaced it with a smile.  He looked a little uncomfortable. And Erza noticed,  then told her group of girls.  They needed to find out the truth.

(Gray's POV)

"Wh-what the hell is going o-on?!" I choked out as I slammed my house door behind me and immediately fell to the ground.  I started coughing.  It felt like I had something stuck in my lungs. God,  it hurts so fucking much! I slammed my fist on the floor.  Air... I needed air... Fast! Shit... It's not getting any better! I dragged myself over to the wall and struggled to sit up.  Finally,  it finally began to feel like I could slightly breathe.  I brought a shaky hand to my mouth and felt something warm.  Blood.  My throat started to burn and my eyes began to water.  I felt like I was throwing up,  and I spit something on the floor.  My vision began to get hazy and I looked down.....

And saw a small pile of flower petals in a puddle of blood.  That's what I coughed up? This damn well better not happen forever.  Cause if so........ This will be Hell.

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