The Confrontation.

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(Gray's POV)

It's definitely gotten worse.  I'm coughing up whole flowers now.  And let me tell you,  it's a lot worse than it sounds.  I'm getting more concerned looks,  and have been telling people it's just a cold.  Which was most definitely a lie.  Lucy and Natsu were...... Still making out.  They do it every fucking day.  I'm sick of it! If it continues,  I'm not even going to show up to the guild.

Welp here we go! It's time to spit up a garden! It's getting really really hard to hide the flowers now.  So I just go outside to cough them up,  that way no one will be suspicious.

Ah shit.  I didn't get done coughing by the time someone came outside and walked over to me. I glanced over my shoulder.

Why him?

Natsu put his hand on my back.  "Gray... Are you alright?"
I couldn't answer,  because you know,  the flowers. And just to my dismay,  he looked down and saw the blood drenched flowers.  Well fuck.

"Gray.... What are those?! Where did they come from?!" He started to freak out as he picked up the Magnolias.

Finally able to speak,  I reluctantly answered with a hoarse voice.  "They're flowers... Obviously.... And.... They came from me.... "

"They came from you? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean they came from inside me! Inside my lungs!" My voice cracked as my eyes became teary.  Shouting hurts.

"That's..... That's not possible. "

My lungs apparently wanted to prove him wrong as I coughed up another flower and handed it to him.  He looked surprised and scared.

"Doesn't that hurt...?" Natsu asked.

"Hell yeah it does.  It's excruciating. " I answered.

He looked at me concerned. 

I sighed and told him all about it,  leaving out the parts about my crush on him and how it's kinda his fault.

Natsu frowned.  "You need to tell someone. "

"No way!" I exclaimed.  "That's not happening. I didn't even want you to know.... "

"NATSUUUUUU!" Lucy called and rushed outside and grabbed Natsu. "Let's gooooo~" She glared at me and dragged him inside.

I never thought I would hate her.  But I do.  So damn much.

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