What's her deal?

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Gray's POV

I sat there confused as hell.  I didn't know what I ever did to offend the now hotheaded blonde.  But I figured I should figure it out,  and fast,  so I could apologize. 

I stumbled out of the bed despite Natsu's complaints (and warnings I should've probably listened to) and followed the sound of a fuming Lucy,  storming down the halls.

I eventually found her outside sitting on the grass staring at a plethora of different flowers.  She was breathing unsteadily and was definitely about to hyperventilate.  She lifted a shaky hand to pick one of the brightly colored flowers.  It was a red poppy.

I decided to make my presence known,  so I went to go sit by her.  Not the smartest decision I've made.  She slowly turned her head,  a scowl already plastered on her face as I grinned nervously.  Jeez she could be really scary.
"What do you want. " Lucy asked but mostly demanded me to tell her. 
"I just want to know why you're so mad at me now. " I stated as I regained my cool composure,  hoping to cool her temper as well.

"It should be pretty obvious,  don't you think?" she chuckled bitterly,  returning her gaze to the poppy in her hand, "Natsu's giving you most of his attention. "
"You think I made him do that?" I cocked my head a bit.

  "Well,  no,  but still.  It was really nice to have his attention for once ya know?" Her scowl faded,  replaced by a look of slight sorrow,  "He only ever looks at you.  I'd like to say I wasn't jealous but it's so painfully obvious that I am. I know I shouldn't have treated the both of you like that,  and I'm very sorry. The truth is I don't actually love him,  I just like it when he actually talks to me.  Before we started 'dating', " She made air quotations with her fingers, " he wouldn't even spare me a glance.  That wouldn't be so bad if it didn't affect my crush too. " Lucy mumbled the last bit but I could still hear what she said. 
Deciding not to be rude,  I didn't bug her about it any further.  "I'll have a talk with Natsu and tell him how this had affected you. " I said,  gently putting a hand on her back.
She looked up at me with a small smile.  She didn't say anything,  but I knew it was a silent thank you.
Everything was peaceful until I heard a loud 'thwack' and it all went dark.

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