Flower Filled Pockets.

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(Lucy's POV)

Here I was, sitting on an old rickety bench, making out with the one I love. Natsu is just.... Woah. Ya know? He's so amazing I don't even have words to describe him. It's too bad our moment was ruined by the guild doors being slammed open by a certain ravenette. Like seriously Gray? You couldn't have waited a few more hours before you showed up? Whatever. I got off of Natsu's lap and straightened up my hair and my clothes. When I glanced over to Natsu, I noticed that he was looking at Gray. Oh, I see why. Gray doesn't look too good. He's a bit paler than normal, his lips are slightly chapped, and he's still wearing his clothes- Wait, he's still wearing his clothes? Okay, something's definitely not right.

(Gray's POV)
I sat down at a table and kept my eyes glued on it. I didn't want to look up and see the obviously happy couple. My heart just wouldn't be able to handle it. So yes, I've come to terms with the fact that I could never have Natsu as my lover. But that still doesn't change the way I feel about him. Nothing could stop me from loving him. No matter what he says or does. I love Natsu. He just doesn't love me.
I shouldn't have thought that.
Because as soon as I did I began to cough. It made some people look at me, and I didn't really like that. But the pain drowned out most of their icey stares. Thankfully though, I got to breath after about thirty seconds of coughing. I had to wipe the blood from my mouth with my hand, making my chapped lips burn. I ignored the small pain, and stuffed the petals I coughed up, into my pockets. If this lasts for much longer, I don't think I'll even be able to walk to the guild. Whatever, I'll worry about that when I have to deal with it. For now, just act natural. Well, not natural. Just like I have a bad cough. That should work, unless someone notices the blood or the petals. Then I'd be in trouble. I was too deep on thought to notice that Natsu and Lucy ran off. Juvia had to tell me they left after I snapped out of it. All I have to say is, Lucy better be happy she has Natsu. She better love him too. And Natsu, I hope you're happy too, if not with me, at least it's her.

But dammit, I hate you for making this happen to me. I went to go throw out the petals from my pockets with teary eyes.

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