The Beginning

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My name is Carla and I'm just an average 16 year old girl, or so I thought I was. One day at my high school I was walking down the hall getting laughed at not quite realizing why. Then I started to feel a warm feeling like hot water running down my leg. "Oh No,"I screamed waking up with a puddle between my legs. This is the fourth time in three months that I wet my bed and I'm 16 years old. "This is so embarrassing," I said to my mom as she came running into my room to examine the scene. "Oh, honey did you wet your bed again?" "I'm sorry mom I don't know why this is happening. I pee every time before bed and sometimes in the middle of the night when I wake up from a noise or something." "Honey I'm not mad just go back to bed and we'll deal with this in the morning."
It was just a week before school was starting and I was kinda dreading it to begin with, but now that I'm wetting the bed my sister might take pictures and let everyone know that her older sister (by 3 year) wets the bed (I also have an older brother by 2 years). In the morning I got up, undressed down to my bra and wet panties, and started taking the sheets off my bed. My younger sister walked into my room to tell me to get ready for breakfast only to realize that I wet the bed again. "You are older than me and you act more like a baby than me," she said with a little grin. "Oh shut up." "My sister wets the bed, my sister wets the bed." "Yea I act more like a baby than you," I said sarcastically. "Whatever, just go downstairs for breakfast in a few minutes." I finished stripping the sheets, took a shower, and changed into some clothes. Breakfast was good with few conversations. My mom declared that we were going back to school supply shopping. We headed out to Staples after breakfast. We were looking at binders when Melissa walks up.

"Hey Carla," she said with a cheerful tone. "Melissa, I didn't realize, I didn't realize that you, that you were going to be here." "Yea my mom dragged me along, no offense Mrs. Mertz." "Oh none taken, but I believe we haven't met yet. I'm guessing that you two know each other." "Yea mom she goes to my school and we both do cheerleading." "Well I have to go," said Melissa with a smile, "Would you like to have a sleepover tonight because I'm inviting a few friends over." "Ok," was the first thing that came to mind. The hottest, most popular, and talented girl in my school called me a friend and invited me to a sleep over.

On our way back home my mom stopped at a few more stores and picked up a few things not telling me what they were. I got a little nervous when I saw what looked like a shirt that said "Way Beyond Cute" with pink lettering on a white background. When we finally arrived home I burst out of the car grabbed some groceries and ran up to my room delighted that I was going to a sleepover with Melissa that night. My joy was cut short when I realized a dark spot on my pants next to my crotch. I wet myself again and this time during the day. My mom knocked on the door and I let her in with a little sob. "Mom I don't know why I can't hold it." "Well then it's a good thing I bought these then," she said as she held up a bag of what looked like baby diapers. "Mom are those diapers?" I asked very nervous and confused. "Yes they are honey, and it's for a good reason. You have been wetting yourself lately and quite a lot. I feel the need to do this just until I feel ready to get you back to using the bathroom. Your father is already on board, but we have to tell your brother and sister that you will be wearing these from now on." "Mom that is so embarrassing!" "Yes, but so is wetting yourself at this sleepover tonight." "I don't want to mom." "Well think about it this way, you don't have a decision and you will look so darn cute in them." She then started stripping me of my clothes while I started crying uncontrollably. "Lay down on your bed honey." I did as she said hoping it couldn't get any worse. It did though, the diapers that she got were a pale pink with a white circle in the front where all of the Disney princesses like Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Belle, and Rapunzel were. "Mommy I don't want to wear the diaper," I said surprising myself that I already sounded like a baby.

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