Sleepover Part 2

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When Melissa stood up for me my dream came true. The girl I have been crushing on has just stuck up for me because I was wearing diapers. She then asked us if we wanted to go swimming and we all said yes that we would like to go swimming. Melissa told me that if I had to change I could change in the bathroom down the hall and then meet them outside. I wanted to go swimming and looked through my bag for my one piece suit, only to realize that it wasn't there and in replace of it was a blue diaper that had the Little Mermaid on it. Along with it was a bikini top and a sticky note saying that the diaper was meant for swimming and I was to wear it. Since I figured none of the other girls had an extra suit, or at least in my size, I resorted to using the diaper. I found it to be pretty snug and actually quite comfortable. After slipping on the diaper I headed outside to meet up with the other girls. They were already in the pool splashing each other and doing some wacky things. We were fooling around for a little while when I felt my stomach tense. I was going to poop. Why did it have to be here, I had to hold it and get to a bathroom I wasn't about to embarrass myself in front of my friends. "I'm going to head to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said this with hope that they wouldn't catch on with what I was about to do. "You should do it here in front of us, I want to see what it's like to poop yourself," said Alyssa. I really wasn't wanting to go, but my body figured otherwise and before I knew it I had a bulge in the back of my diaper. "Oh no," I screamed. The other girls just stared in aw. Then out of nowhere Brynn said,"I'll be willing to change you."

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