A Journey

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One block more until we were at the corner store. I felt exhilarated, but I didn't know why. I should be nervous, because I'm wearing a diaper and onesie in the middle of public. When we arrived we counted the money and realized we could afford two boxes, and since my friends had decided that they liked diapers we should get two. When we got to the checkout, I had realized the extreme urge to pee. I figured that I could get away with just going, because I was of course just in a diaper, but as soon as I started I knew it was a mistake. I couldn't stop, the pee started flowing down my legs and into a puddle on the floor. A moment past and I was bawling my eyes out. The cashier looked at me and grabbed the intercom to say, "clean up in the front, mop needed." I'm assuming it was to make me feel better, but since he didn't know I currently was wearing one he goes on to say that maybe the diapers should also be for me and not just a baby. After we finished and I got some of my dignity back, my friends suggested that we should change in the bathroom real quick. Agreeing, we all had piled into the bathroom and I hopped up on the changing table. Alyssa undid the tabs and threw out the diaper. The look on Alyssa's face made me think she had wanted to do more than just diaper me. I whispered, "wait until we are at Melissa's house." This is the first time I had ever thought about kissing someone.

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