The Diapers

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After getting the diaper on my baby powdered bum my mom pulled out the shirt that I saw earlier only it wasn't a shirt. It turned out to be an adult onesie. "No, no, no!" I cried. My mommy got that on and buttoned the bottom and then asked if I wanted to wear a skirt. I answered yes hoping that my siblings wouldn't realize that fast that I was wearing a diaper and a onesie. My mommy established some rules that I unwillingly agreed to.

1) I had to wear diaper 24/7
2) I had to use the bathroom in the diaper to diminish accidents
3) I had to either wear just my diaper or a onesie around the house so it was easy to change my diaper

After my diapering we headed downstairs to tell my siblings that from now until whenever I was going to wear baby diapers. My daddy said that I looked adorable and my siblings automatically started laughing at me. My mom shushed them and then told them what was happening and they took it kinda well. Now I had to get ready for my sleepover that I still was excited for except for the fact that I'm now wearing a diaper to it. I started to pack some clothes that I wear on a normal day, but none of them were going to fit over my diaper so I decided against it and unpacked it all. I then started to grab clothes like sweat pants to help hide the diaper, however it would have been to hot in those so again I decided against it. For about five minutes I was just laying on the floor of my room thinking about how embarrassing it was to wear a diaper and also about what to wear over the diaper. My mom came into my room asking if I was finished packing and I said no because I didn't know what to pack. She told me to grab some of the onesies she put in my closet and also a few skirts in my dresser. That way I would stay cool and discreet according to her. Again I unwillingly did as she asked not understanding how a skirt and a onesie was discreet, but I wasn't arguing because it was already embarrassing enough.

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