chapter 7-

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It's been a complete month since I got my miraculous. No Akumas have been showing up. That's good, I guess. I'm just nerves that I will miss everything up. Chat is so good at this, what if he doesn't like Ladybug? I don't even know if he likes Marinette.

"Marinette, you need to wake up." My adorrible Kwami spoke.

"Ugh...I don't want to though. I don't feel good." I spoke truthfully. I have been sick for the past week. I don't know why though.

"I know you don't. But today is a good day." I nod and get ready. The good thing about being Ladybug I can get to school before I am late. "Just say the words."

I nod get dressed and when I am done getting ready, "TIKKI, SPOTS ON." I exclaim. I jump out of my house quietly and swing to the school. I land on the side and detransform. "Thank you Tikki for being cool with me transforming to get to school."

"No problem Mari. It's also practice for when you start fighting." I smile and she hides in my little bag. I run to class and Adrien is already there. He smirks at me and I just roll my eyes.

"Well hello, beautiful." He says seductively.

"Don't call me that." For the past month he has been calling me beautiful and trying to get me to be his girlfriend. But I decline every time.

"Oh don't be like that." He jokes. I just roll my eyes. Again. Class had started and Adrien kept his eyes on me. To be honest it creeped me out. I can tell he noticed I was creeped out because he looked away. He still smiled though. I'll get used to it. He's not the only one that stares at me.

Time skip

It's lunch time and me and Alya are sitting at the round table. She is talking about her blog about Chat Noir.

"Mari, I never asked you this but..." I am worried now, "Why did Chat escort you to school. On your first day?"

I just shrugged, "I have no idea. I have known him for a while. He saved me last year. So I am thankful. Although I have known him sense I was seven. But I started to get to really know him this last year." She fangirls and I realise she recorded the whole convo. "Please don't post that on the blog." I begged. She laughed.

"No promises girl, unless there is gonna be a more awesome supper hero coming around." I just giggled.


There was a crash and a scream. I knew it was an Akuma. "Guys I have to go." She nodded and followed the Akuma. That girl is crazy. I waited until I saw Chat. It looked like he was having problems. If he is having problems than he is gonna need help. I find a place to transform and do so. I leap out of the corner and got towards Chat.

"Well hello Kitty." I joke. He just gives me a confused look.

After fight

After the full fight I go up to chat. "pound it Kitty." He nodded.

"POUND IT." We both say.

"Can I ask who you are?"

I giggle and nod, "I'm Ladybug. I'm new that this whole superhero stuff." I tell him. He nods.

"Well if you need any superhero anvise, although you were a complete natural, you know who to call." I chuckle.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG." With that everything goes back to normal. He smiled and I swing about to detransform.

"You did great, Marinette." Tikki spoke. I smiled.

I didn't know what to do Tikki. I don't even know how I did all of that."

"Well, for not knowing what to do, you did a great job." He giggled. I ran home and went to bed. Actually I tried but Chat knocked before I could.

He frowned at me and one though cane to my mind. He knows. "I know who you are." He spoke softly. "Why didn't you tell me you had a miraculous?"

"I got it a month ago."

"When?" He asked still confused.

"Right after you left, I went to take a shower and when I got out i looked through my shirt drawer to get one and saw the box."

"Why didn't you tell me who you were?"

"How did you figure me out?"

He smirked at me and pointed t onj my neck, "when we spent the night together, I left a hickey on your neck and it's still there." I jump and looked at my neck.

"Stupid, Chat." When I said that I felt a little jolt in my stomach. What the hell? I asked myself. I just shook it off.

"Well, as I said if you need superhero advise, you know who to talk to." He winked and jumped out.

"Ok now that he isn't here. What the hello was that?" I ask myself while looking at my belly. Tikki came to me and felt my belly.

She gasped when a little kick was there, "Marinette, it there any chance that you could be pregnant?" She asked me. I gave her a blank look and looked down trying to remember that night. I gasped when I couldn't remember a condom being used.

"Yes there could be. But I have to make sure."

I race out of the house to go to the pharmacy. It took a full hour to get me a test. Apparently you need to be a certain age to do it. So they had to ask me a bunch of questions. I just shook it off and bought that test. I bought the most accurate one there. The three hour test. I faced palmed when I realised how long it would take.

When so got home I race upstairs into the bathroom. I took the test and his it in the cabinet. So my parents to find it until I know.

I waited and waited. So I just fell asleep. The dream I had was surprisingly erotic. Well, all the dreams I have are erotic now. Because  I have only had sex once. Come to think about it. The first time usually doesn't work. I woke up all sweaty and I walked to the bathroom to look at the test. It should have been past three hours and it was. Good. I took a deep breath and looked at it.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you like it. I had Chat figure out who Ladybug was right away becausethat is reality. I mean, she looks just like Marinette. So I have this with a little more reality than the miraculous ladybug world. Thanks again. Bye.


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