Helpin' out The Beatles

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They run around the corner and go right past us......THE BEATLES WERE IN THE SAME 10 FEET AS US!!!!! They go into the shop we were just in and we go back in there and see them go into the restrooms. We wait for the screaming crowd of fan girls run past the shop. Then we knock on the restroom door and George Harrison slowly opens it.

George: sorry....we'll be out in a minute.
Y/n: oh no it's okay, we just wanted to let you know that the screaming crowd of fangirls ran past but I think they thought you went to the shop next door so there is a lot in front if it.
George: oh uhmm..thank it safe to leave?
Y/n: well that depends where are you trying to go?
George: back to our hotel. It's about a mile and a half away...
Ringo: we just want to go to sleep.... 😓
Y/n: well.....our house is about 2 blocks away....we can get there without a lot of people noticing and we have 2 spare bedrooms, so you can sleep there if you'd like?
Paul: that would be greatly appreciated, love.
Ybff/n: *calmly freaking out* it would be perfectly fine.
Y/n: okay....follow us. We'll need you to crouch in front of us until we get around the corner then run as fast as you can. Sound okay?
George: everyone got that?
Everyone: yep!

You then walk out and everything goes as planned, you take off your heels and bolt it, since you did track for a bit you were in front and your friend was in the back with the Beatles in between you two. You ran all the way back to your house and only 4 people started chasing after you all. You got into the house and locked the doors.

Paul: thank you love, this is greatly appreciated.
Y/n: it's no problem! :)
Ybff/n: all...*she says out of breath and panting.*
John: you all got any whisky?
Y/n: we're only 16 and 17.
John: and you already have a house? That's quite impressive.
Ybff/n: see, don't re-
*you pinch her arm, hard*
Ybff/n: ow! What was that for?!

You pull her into the restroom and tell her you can't tell them about any of this yet. Then go back to the living area where you left the Beatles.

Ybff/n: sorry about that...we had to discuss something.
Y/n: yeah...anyways! Anyone hungry?
George: oh me!
Ringo: I could eat
Paul: that would be lovely
John: yes please
Y/n: alright! What would you all like to eat? You can look through the kitchen and decide on something together. While you do that I'll get some tea.

~20 minutes later~

After some arguing and flicking with hand towels, the boys decide on fettuccine with Alfredo and chicken. You cook it and tell them to eat in the living room since you don't have enough chairs in the dining area. You all eat and have tea.

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