Getting to be friends with THE BEATLES (holy crap)

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We then get ready to go out.
George: what would you like to go do?
Y/n: I don't know...I kinda just want to stay home and write.
Paul: boring
John: I know what we should do. I'll be back in a little while.

John takes the car and comes back 15 minutes later with wine, beer, whiskey, and rum.

Ybff/n: we can't we're under 18
Y/n: only by a year, come on! Live a little.
Ybff/n: okayyyy fine.

You all get some drinks and put on some music.

John: y/n....may I have this dance?
Y/n: are you drunk already?
John: only very slightly...but this music...and that dress, may I?
Y/n: okay, yes.

Paul: Ybff/n, may I have this dance?
Ybff/n: of course!

You both dance for 3 songs togethers, about 10 minutes.

George: okay! Our turns! Y/n, may I have this dance?
Y/n: of course George.

Ringo: ...uhm...Ybff/n.....may I?
Ybff/n: yes.

You dance together for 11 minutes. You can't help but notice Ringo leaning in to kiss Ybff/n.

Ybff/n's POV

Me and Ringo are dancing together and a slow song comes on and he pulls me closer and I don't mind one bit. We make eye contact and it feels like the whole world stopped just for us. He leans in closely and kisses me....Ringo Starr...kisses me....we stop and look into each other's eyes and can't help but both smile.

Y/n's POV

holy crap!! They kissed! Wooo go Ybff/n!!
You and the Beatles cheer for Ringo and Ybff/n. They look around and blush, like they forgot there were other people in the room.

~15 minutes later~

We're all completely drunk, I mean like totally wasted. I feel a hand on my wrist and see John is pulling me into my bedroom. He pulls me close and puts his arms around my waist and kisses me. His hand slowly coming up to my breast. I pull away.

Y/n: only Jesus can touch me like that. I'm sorry.
John: that's okay love, come back if you change your mind.

You go back to the living room with the rest of them and tell Ybff/n what happened.

Ybff/n: well he definitely could've been more romantic... did you like it?
Y/n: of course I liked it, but if he was more romantic I probably would've let him continue. Maybe next time though. So what about that kiss eh?
Ybff/n: it was magical. I loved it a lot.
Y/n: think it's gonna happen again?
Ybff/n: I hope so.

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