Liverpool! (With The Beatles holy crap ahhhh)

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We get to the plane station and there are guards to take us to our car, too many fans I guess. We get to the car and I sit next to George, of course. Ybff/n sits next to ringo, and Paul and John sit together. Brian drives, and I fall asleep on George's shoulder. I wake up to the sound of them all singing. It's beautiful...they were singing "hey Jude" which is one of my favorites songs. I look over at Ybff/n and she is dancing a little and singing along, she looks really happy. I'm too sleepy to sing along, and my voice probably would sound gross, so I wait for the next one. After "hey Jude" they start singing here comes the sun. I get really happy because that's my favorite song. I sing along and smile the whole time, I guess George thought it was cute because he looked at me, smiled, and kissed me. It was amazing. We stopped at a restaurant and get some food. I only got fries, since I wasn't all that hungry, George got fries, a milkshake, and a burger, Ybff/n got a burger and a milkshake, and John and Paul got chicken strips. We sat and talked about pretty random stuff.

John: so, what are your parents like?
Y/n: uhm............we....we wouldn't know....were orphans
Ybff/n: yeppp
Paul: oh did something happen to them?
Y/n: no, they just couldn't take care of us anymore, so they brought us to our grand parents houses, and we stayed there. They both loved next door to each other, so that's how we became friends.
Paul: oh, okay.
Ybff/n: yeah, we've been friends for awhile now, we've done everything together.
Y/n: pretty much, she's stuck with me now.
John: we can tell :)

We leave the restaurant and get back in the car. We talk about going to the drive in movies later. We are in the car for the half hour so we just talk about random things. We get to Liverpool and more guards are there to take us to our hotel room. This seems a bit extra, but I won't question it. We get to our room and claim our beds.

Hey guys, sorry it was random, I'm going through some stuff, thought writing this would cheer me up! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile 😅 hopefully that'll change.

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