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While we eat and have tea we start talking.....to THE Beatles.

John: so, what are your names? We didn't get the chance to catch them.
Y/n: well this is Ybff/n and I am y/n.
Paul: well this is jo-
John: they probably already know. Why would they let random people into their home?
Paul: good point.
Ybff/n: oh yEs.....wE alreadY kn-knOw who you aRe.....
Y/n: now if you'll excuse us for a moment....

You go into the backyard and freak out about The Beatles being in your home. And TALKING to you! Holy crap! Then we go back inside.

Ringo: hello again....I'm tired, can you show me where we will be sleeping?
Y/n: of course! Right this way lads.

You bring them to the bedrooms and Ringo immediately goes to sleep, George goes to sleep soon after, Paul a bit later, and that leaves John.

John: May I take a shower in this restroom?
Y/n: yeah sure, go for it.
John: alright thanks
*takes of his shirt and starts unbuttoning his pants*
Y/n: oh gosh! Sorry...I didn't know you would do it right now! I'll give you some privacy.
John: oh no it's perfectly fine. Don't leave...why don't you join me?
Y/n: in the shower?
John: yes
Y/n: oh please, you wish.......
John: yes, I do wish.
Ybff/n: I'll join you!
*you pinch her, hard, again*
Ybff/n: ow! Okay okay....sorry John. You'll have to go on alOne.
John: aw okay...I'll ask if I need any help 😉
Y/n: *sigh* goodnight John.
John: goodnight loves

You both go into your room and get into your night gowns and take showers then go to sleep. What a day!

Sorry it was so short! I couldn't think of much more for this night.

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