On the plane to liverpool!!

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You get to the airport and start to walk to the line. Paul pulls you.

Paul: love, we aren't going over there.
You: what? Why not?
John: well we have a private jet of course.
You: what?? Really?
John: of course. If we didn't we would be corned by fans and probably cause danger.
You: okay...so...where do we go?
George: right this way

He grabs your hand and you walk together. You have butterflies in your stomach and you're smiling like crazy. You all get to the private jet and get on. You sit next to George, Ringo sits next to Ybff/n, and John and Paul sit next to each other. The seats recline, there's a kitchen, and of course a bathroom. As soon as you all sit down and have your stuff put up, George says he's hungry.

John: we just ate!
George: yeah like 30 minutes ago!
You: well is anyone else hungry?
Everyone: nope, just George.
George: okay well what about you?
You: eh not really, but thank you.

You smile at him and he walks to the kitchen. He comes back with a bowl of candy. How is he not obese? Whatever. You're to tired to care. He sits back down and you rest your head on his shoulder and fall asleep. You wake up from Paul and John arguing. You get up and put your hands over their mouths.

You: shut up!! You woke me up you jerks!
John licks your hand and you slap him.
John: oww! Damn okay I'm sorry! But since you're awake...we should all play a game...
Paul: yes.
George: sounds fun
Ringo: what did you have in mind?
John: how about...uhmmm....spin the bottle?
You: pfft in your dreams.
Ybff/n: no no no *hides under blanket*
John: okayyy fineee...then...truth or dare?
George: that would be fun
Paul: I'm down
Ringo: okay
Ybff/n: I'll only choose truth.
Y/n: I guess...

You all sit in a circle and let the game begin.

You: who goes first?
John: well, we will put our names into a hat and draw one from it.

And you do just that. It's Paul.

Paul: well we'll well it's my lucky day. Uhmm...truth or dare....George?
George: uh truth....
Paul: boring! But...I've noticed how you look at y/n....do you have feeling for her?
George: I-i can't answer that....
Paul: either answer or do a dare.
George: okay okay Uhmm...honestly....yeah....

You both blush like crazy...Paul and John tease you with "ooooh" and poking George.

George: well it's my turn! Uhmm....Ybff/n...truth I'm assuming?
Ybff/n: yes
George: okay....have you done it with Ringo?

You all laugh and George said he was just joking around...Ringo looked a little hurt.

Ybff/n: well my turn! Be quiet! Y/n, truth or dare?
You: dare.
Ybff/n: 7 minutes in heaven with George. Starts in 15 second.
You: okay? Come on George....
George: gladly.

You go into a closet and just kinda look at each other...he slowly gets closer and you make out for like 3 minutes. Pure bliss. They start knocking and laughing.

Paul: times up love birds!!
John: I want some!
Ringo: shut up John.
George: nah I think we'll stay a little longer...
John: nope we gotta continue the game lad

You come out of the closet (*insert gay joke here hehe*) and get back in the circle.

You: John! Truth or dare?
John: dare
You: okay....oh!...hehehehe...be our waiter for the next hour.
John: no way!
You: you can't back out...unless you want to be a coward....
John: uggghhhhhh finneeeee
Ringo: can you get some water John?
John: I guess

He gets the water and throws it at Ringo.

Ringo: oww!!
John: she didn't say I had to be nice. Anyways! Paul. Truth or dare?
Paul: truth.
John: awww man...hmm....who would you most want to make out with in this room?
Paul: well....you John...*awkwardly winks*
John: oh...okayyyy then....
Paul: anyways. Ringooo my lad...truth or dare?
Ringo: dare?
Paul: hmm share your food for all of tomorrow
Ringo: okay? I'm not George so that's not hard...
You: OOF
George: oof? What???
You: ohhh uhmmm it's an inside joke between me and Ybff/n.....hehe yeahhh...
Paul: oh...okay?
Ybff/n: I'm tired
You: me too.
George: well I'm y/n's pillow so I gotta go I guess.
John: aw man okay

You all go back to the seats and sleep until you're in Liverpool.

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