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After lunch I make my way over to the wrestling station. The trainer is know where to be seen. Good. No one to see my illegal fight. Tributes aren't allowed to fight before they go into the arena.

I step into the ring and face off Crystal. She looks even fiercer now. She glares at me, a smirk on her face.

Suddenly she lunges for me and pushes me onto my back; I land with a bang. She laughs. She kicks me in the ribs sending a shooting pain through my side.

Somehow I manage to get my feet up and kick out at her. She stumbles backwards with gives me time to regain my feet. I'm not going to give up that easily.

She smirks and takes a swing at me, I dodge out of the way and manage to get a swing in at her. We both back away, I eyeing her up. Out of the corner of my eye I see we've attracted a crowd. I glance at Ash.

That move has cost me seriously as she has managed to get a hold of my hair and swings her arm back ready for a punch. I knee her in the stomach and I wind her. As she takes a step back I step forward.

I raise my arm and give her a wicked punch in the face. She stumbles backwards and I push her to the floor. I get down and kick her again. I pin her down, sitting on her legs and holding her arms. I lift my arm for a punch and she turns her head away. I smile to myself. I put my head down and whisper in her ear. "Never underestimate a girl from 4." I get up and walk away with my head held high.

Ash runs over to me. "Well done you were great!" He says excitedly. "Although you shouldn't have fought her."

"I know, I was stupid."

"She insulted you and Kris when you've done your best to look after him."

"Are you trying to tell me I've done the right thing?" I say with a laugh.

"Well you made the best of a bad situation." I laugh then stop short with a wince, we've made it into an elevator.

"Are you ok?" Ash asks with concern.

"Not really, my side kills."

"From where she kicked you?"

"Yes." We reach our floor and Ash leads me to the living room where he sits me on the plush sofa.

"I'll go get some ice." He walks away and leaves me alone. Over these past few days he has really looked after me.

He returns after a few minutes and presses the cold ice to my side. I flinch then relax as it helps to numb the pain. From where he is holding me I start to get butterflies and warmth fills me. I remember the first time this happened.

We were sat on the beach after a long day at work throwing pebbles into the sea. The sun started to set casting an orange glow over everything. Suddenly Ash grabbed my hand and ran down the beach into the sea. We splashed each other and laughed. He picked me up and as I looked down at him I felt them stir in the pit of my stomach. The butterflies. He then dumped me into the sea with a splash. I came up and splashed him again as revenge.

It felt like ages ago, on another planet. I allow myself to give into these feelings just this once. Who knows I may never feel them again.

He looks down at me, concern in his eyes. "What are you like?" He says softly, still pressing the ice to my side. He gives a small chuckle.

"What?" I ask, he just shakes his head. Finnick and Mags walk in for dinner and immediately they stop in their tracks. Finnick surveys the scene. I sat on the sofa, Ash kneeling in front of me holding my side.

"What happened?" He asked with concern.

"I fought Crystal." I say blankly.

"WHAT?" he shouts.

"I fought Crystal." I say again loudly.

"Why?" He asks.

"She just got to me ok."

"Said some horrible stuff about Kris." Ash added.

"It was her idea, she didn't like it that I won." I chuckled.

"You beat her?" Finnick asked, a shocked tone to his voice.

"Yes." I said.

"This is brilliant! She was from one. A career. You're a little bit bruised. I'll get you something for your side. This makes you look strong. Of course you've made an enemy now but I can play this up get you sponsors." He walks out of the room, still talking to himself, presumably to get me something for my side.

"You shouldn't have done that Fliss. No matter what Finnick said, it was dangerous." Mags says, an almost sad tone to her voice. She leads us over to the dinner table. We are served a meal of beef burgers and something called chips, which are like potatoes. It's so good I ask for some more. The food also makes me feel better.

It's not until later until I feel real relief.Finnick retuned with a tube of cream that must have contained medicine as, whenapplied, I let out a sigh of relief. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now