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I decide to move on. Even if I decide to come back later. I'm pretty sure I can remember the way. I have a drink and finish off the whole bottle. I fill it up with salt water and drip some of the blue liquid into it too. I hope that it's the right amount. At least it will be cold. I put it in my pack which I've decided definitely is waterproof as the inside remains dry.

I turn and head off in the opposite direction to the careers, I'd rather not bump into them again today. It again is a pretty uneventful morning. I swim. I stop for lunch. I swim some more. Nothing much happens. I spend my whole day like this. I spend the night crouched on a rock. In the morning I continue my swim. I don't really care where I go.

Then I stop. Something doesn't seem right. The water is too still, to calm for normal. Then I see the clouds start to form above me. I have probably gone out of the range of any other tributes. I start to sprint in the other direction. If lightning strikes I'm dead. The clouds grow in number and turn darker. It starts to rain.

I increase my speed determined to stay ahead of the clouds. I hear thunder start to rumble. I kick fear bubbling up inside of me. I see an outcrop of rock by my side and make a be-line for it. I climb up just I see a bolt of lightning strike the water. But it can't be real. The water isn't electrocuted. No fish die. Nothing happens. I move slightly and see a bolt of lightning hit right where I was standing.

A new type of fear fills me. The game makers are calling the shots on my life. They could decide to kill me right now. I dive into the water without a second thought. I start to swim. The lightning creeping up behind me. I change direction every so often to try and through them off, but it's not really working.

I dive under the water and swim a way under, hoping it will make it better. One just brushes me and I get a jolt of pain through my side. I know I can't swim for much further. I climb onto a rock and hope I can dodge the lightning. I hear a crackle and just roll out of the way before the bolt hits me.

I get ready to move again when the rain suddenly shuts off and the clouds disappear. I must be in the range of another tribute. I gulp and shuffle backwards dislodging a rock on the outcrop and knock it to the floor. That is until it bounces back and shoots out in front of me.

I must be by a force field. I'd better be careful. Before I have time to think about it more I see two figures running towards me over on another outcrop. At first I think the girl and the boy are working together but then I see the fear in the girl's eyes. That's when the knife hits her back and she falls to the floor, blood draining out of her. The boy goes in for the kill when he sees me spectating. He leaves the girl. She's probably dead anyway. Now he moves towards me. I can't move at the moment, my leg is killing me. I can through but if he enters the water I won't have a clean shot.

I wrack my brains for an idea. Then I remember the force field. If I get my spoke to hit it right, it will bounce back with force. If I get it very right, I will hit my opponent. I give myself three spokes to do it in. the first misses greatly. I realise I will not get a good aim from sitting. I pull myself up on the rock and lean against it. I put no weight on my injured leg. I glance behind me at the boy, he is almost at the end of the rock. I then turn around and face the invisible force field. I take aim and through.

I turn around just in time to see my spoke strike the boy in the head. I hear his cannon. It must have lodged in his skull. The hovercraft appears and collects his body. I look over and see the girl. Even though my leg kills I have to help her. I know it's stupid, I can kill one tribute but want to help another, but she was defenceless.

I manage to drag myself across to her rock and look at her wound. But I know it's too late. Once a pool of blood gets to a certain size there's no going back. I see her look at me as I sit back down. She grabs my hand. All I manage to get out is, "Don't worry you're going to a better place, a place where none of this exists." She manages a smile before he body goes limp and her cannon fires. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now