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I eat my fish as the sky starts to grow dark. The seal of Panem lights up the sky and I finally get to see who died. I am surprised to see the boy from two has died, then I remind myself that it means both from 1 have survived. Crystal, who hates my guts is still alive. The girl from three has also died. The boy from five, both from 6, the boy from 8, the girl from 9, both from 10 and the boy from 12. I breathe a sigh of relief, Ash has made it through the first day.

I settled down in my sleeping bag and prepared my backpack encase I have to make a speedy get away. I tried to get some sleep. I swear I wake up about 50 times that night but nothing happens, I was right, I had swum far enough yesterday to get ahead of the other tributes. There's no doubt that the careers have been hunting through the night.

The thought makes me act. I put my sleeping bag away and eat the rest of a roll for breakfast. I dive back into the water. As I swim today I play more attention to the water around me. There are a lot of fish here. The corals are amazing, most I recognise but many I don't. One this I do know is you will have to watch what you eat and what you touch. Many of the things here are deadly poisonous. Well it is the Hunger Games I suppose.

I climb up onto another outcrop, thoroughly exhausted and fed up. There's only so much swimming I can take. I sit down and get out my fishing hook and set it up in the water. I lean back onto my pack and look up at the sky. I only move every so often to add to my growing pile of fish. I finally figured what the orange strips on my outfit are. They help you to float. I rip them off and plan to dump them somewhere.

When I lay back down on my pack I must have shifted my weigh slightly as my pack falls through a gap in the rocks I hadn't noticed. I couldn't reach it from here but I may be able to squeeze into the rocks. Who knows what's down here? I try not to think about it. I put my legs through the whole and they touch a ledge. Them I manage to get squeeze my body in. I climb down a bit more and pick up my backpack. I dig out my torch and shine it around the crevice. It is really big so I suppose I should really call it a cave. At one end there is some water, I suspect it lead out to the sea. At the other end there is a raised piece of flat rock. There are some stalgtights that I have to watch my head on but I cross over to the flat rock. I stand my torch up so it lights the area. I look around and laugh. This is the perfect place to hide. I don't think anyone could find me down here. I put my pack down and lay out my sleeping bag on the floor.

I manage to climb back out of the gap in the rocks. I take my weapons with me, who knows when I might need them. I take my pile of fish and decide to cook them. I pick them up and swim over to an outcrop of rocks a little way over from where I plan to stay. There are more grasses over here which I pull up to make my fire with. I light it using the available rocks. I slowly cook all of my fish. I keep a look out for any tributes. They have probably seen the smoke from my fire but no one appears.

Even so once all the fish are cooked I scramble to put the fire out and make my way back over to my cave, keeping the fish out of the water. I sit in my cave waiting for someone to appear to kill me. When I realise that no one has arrived, I emerge. Let's face it I have a good chance to kill them before they get to me.

I watch the sky but tonight no one appears. No one dying on the second day must be a first. Something will happen soon to drive us all together. They can't have these games being classed as dull already.

When it gets dark I go and sit in my cave and eat a fish, and then another one. I must be hungry. I settle down to sleep feeling a bit more relaxed.

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now