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The next morning I delay going to breakfast for as long as I can. I have a long shower. I pressed some random buttons on the control panel and have luke warm water squirted at me with some strawberry scented bubbles. I waste even more time by washing my hair. I would have dried myself by hand but when I stepped onto the mat it sent a blast of air over me and I was dried instantly. I get dressed, slowly, brush my hair, slowly, then I walk to breakfast, slowly. Everyone is already eating and I fill my plate at the speed of a snail. I sit down and eat straight away. I avoid eye contact with Ash. Today we will be 'training' for the interview. Valoria will help us with public presentation and Mags and Finnick will help with our speeches.

Valoria keeps me busy all morning. Walking in long skirts and heels. Needless to say I fall over repeatedly. I am taught how to sit properly. How to use gestures correctly. Even how to breathe properly. By lunch I am tired. After lunch I am with Finnick and Mags. To start with they try and find an angle for me to play up. Flirty, happy, sexy, vicious, funny. But I can't just be one thing. In the end it's Mags who comes to a conclusion. "Fliss, just be yourself."

"I suppose you're likable enough." Finnick says, I glare at him.

Then we go through some things that I might be asked later. Then I'm in the hands of Laurette. My makeup is done by my preps. Eta puts green highlights in my hair and pins back my bangs, letting the rest of my hair fall straight down my back. Layla paints my nails a green colour. Tye puts some finishing touches to my eye makeup. They disappear and I'm handed over to Laurette. She puts me in a sea green layered dress. It falls to just above my knees, at least I won't fall over. When I move it appears to ripple, just like water. I smile.

"Thank you Laurette, you've done it again."

"It's a pleasure."

She helps me into a pair of heels which match the dress. There high but not as high as the ones I have to practice in. I feel like a different person. I look beautiful. That's the power of an amazing stylist. I give Laurette a hug and I make my way down to backstage. The stage itself is outside the training centre. The main area in front of the stage is packed including many other avenues. The stylists and mentors have their own special section to sit in. The game makers have their own seating elevated above the general public. Ceaser Flickerman bounds on stage. His theme this year is purple. So his hair and makeup all matches. He welcomes us onto the stage. We all walk out and sit at the back of the stage in a semi-circle. I look at the other tributes and they all look amazing. No one would ever look twice at me.

Crystal goes first, in a very see-through orange outfit. I don't really listen to most of her interview until Ceaser asks how she got the bruise on her eye. It has been covered up by makeup but is still pretty noticeable.

"Well let's just say things got a little interesting after training one day."

"Care to explain some more?" Ceaser presses.

"Well one tribute from a lower district somehow thought that they were better, stronger, and faster than me. They thought they were better than me. They thought they were going to win but it will be me that you interview after the games have finished. They said some pretty horrible things and I wasn't going to let them get away with it so I put them in their place."

"Can you let us know who won?"
"Well me of course. I was the only one walking away from the fight."

"Can you give us a clue who fought you?" She glanced at me for a split second before answering Ceaser in a cocky tone. "That would be telling wouldn't it? You'd just have to work it out." The buzzer goes and her three minutes is up.

Why didn't she tell Ceaser it was me? Then I get it. If it came out that she had lost to me it would reflect badly on her. And give me a major advantage.

The other interviews flash by and before I know it, it's my turn. I stand up and hold my head high and walk over to where Ceaser is sat and sit down opposite him. My interview begins. 

The 70th Hunger Games- Fliss' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now