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"So you really don't want to leave me, huh, seems like I am stuck with your ugly ass forever", Ming's eyes gleamed as if he was proud of what he just said. Want me to give you an Oscar for your words my friend😏.

" Like fuck Ming, I am cursed for eternity now that I have to go to the same university with you, I'm starting to get sick of your ugly face and studying in the same university and the same classes with you, makes it worst uhhhhhh I might throw up anytime" I whined . Hows that for a payback😁.

"oh hoo" he made a disappointed face. I smiled at my best friend.

"I'm just joking, I am more than thrilled and honoured to be with you forever" I sarcastically answered .

I was indeed cursed but not because of Ming but because of that stupid asshole 😣. I don't think I can bear being in the same university with him. Who knows I might lose my patience and might beat the shit out of him if he dared show his ugly face infront of me.



I just can't understand how the hell did I even pass the exams, I really did my best to fail. Well now that I can't change it, I have to attend the University. Damn.

But, the happiness that reflected on my father's face when he heard about my approval was something that would make me do anything.
I could even jump in a pool of lava for his happiness. This stupid Phana thing is nothing compared to my father's happiness.

I sighed.

Noticing the frown on my face Ming asked "Are you sure you will be okay ? He is going to be there too, Yo its not that late, you can still change university, you still have a chance. You can easily get admitted to other universities with marks as great as yours."

I looked at him and anyone could tell that he was genuinely worried about me.

" Ai'Ming, you know how much dad wants me to attend Samp University and besides you are going to be there aren't you, BABYY" I teased him with a flying kiss. And he returned it with a passionate kick right on my shin.

Damn it hurts, Fuck you Ming, you asshole.

"Your choice, damn I'm just so excited to meet P'Kit again" Ming jumped with excitement, his eyes were gleaming.

"You still haven't gotten over him, have you? I asked.
He simply shook his head and answered," P' Kit is my great love, I can't give up on him"

Great love, well I can say I had a great love too, and it gave me nothing but unconditional pain.



"Ai'Ming, come on . I don't wanna be late, I cant miss my only chance to eat Choco-lava cake, they only sell it once a month", I said pulling Ming off his seat as he rubbed his half sleepy eyes.

"What's so great about that Choco-lava cake Yo, its simply a chocolate cake I will buy it for you on our way back home, let me sleep, my sleep is important" he protested.

But I pulled him and dragged him out of the classroom.

"Uhhhhhh you are so annoying" he was annoyed but he meekly walked with me. We rushed our way through the corridor, towards the cafeteria, well basically I was the one who was in a rush and poor Ming was simply being dragged by me😉. Talk about friendship.

When we reached the cafeteria it was already crowded and there was a long line where my only true love was being sold. Obviously its the choco lava cake pervs😏.

Damn, there goes my only last hope to taste the bliss of heaven.
I sighed and glared at Ming.
"Shiya Ming, its all your fault, why did you have to sleep during classes. 🤬" I complained but he was too busy checking out some girls that he didn't notice me. I know its not his fault but I really wanted to eat it.

I looked at the few seniors sitting at the table close to where we were standing and enjoying every bit of the cake😔. If only we were a little early, I would have been sitting in one of these benches and enjoying my cake🙄.

One of the seniors among the group saw me glaring at the choco-lava cake on their table. He looked straight into my eyes. Damn he is the most handsome guy I've ever met. But then again he is nothing compared to the choco lava cake infront of him.

I love food and nothing can beat it.

"You want it ?" he asked pointing at the cake in front of him.

"No thank you P" I said immediately realising that I had been staring at his cake for too much. Its so embarrassing.

"Well good luck with the line then, and it seems like they are gonna run out of it any minute now" he said. Damn i really want to eat it.

"You can have it. I don't even like it" he said as he gave the cake to me. I resisted but it only lasted a few seconds😛.

"Thank you P", I was so happy and shy at the same time. My eyes were gleaming with happiness. Seeing me happy because of a cake my senior chuckled.
"Seems like you really like it" he said.

"Yes P', Choco lava cake is Yo's wife he just can't live without it" Ming interrupted and sat among the seniors.

"Sawadee khab P' I am Ming Itthipat and this is my friend Wayo Panichayasawad khrub", he said introducing us. He sat next to a handsome guy with cute dimples. He was the perfect example of handsome and cute at the same time. While I sat next to the guy who offered me his cake.

"Wadee Nongs, I'm Kit" the guy with dimples said smiling, "And I'm Phana"" said the guy next to me.

"P' how much for the cake?", I asked as i took out my wallet. I don't take free stuffs from strangers.

" Don't worry, Nong Wayo, Phana doesn't like it anyway", said the guy sitting across the table, he was also handsome "My name's Beam by the way" he said "and this is Forth", he pointed at a well built handsome guy, but he looked kinda scary.


I shouldn't have had accepted that cake from him, I should've just waited for my turn, its all my fault, I regret the day I met him.

"All this Great love shit will only hurt you more, P'kit is straight and he also has a girlfriend" My words sucked the happiness out of Ming's face. I know that I'm a little too harsh but I would rather destroy even a tiny bit of expectation that he has than to see him get hurt like me in the end. Falling in love with a straight man will never do you good Ming.

"I know" he said letting out a deep sigh.

"Well at least we will be together, we are gonna have a lot of fun" I tried to lighten up his mood.

"I wonder how many girls will fall in love with this handsome face", he had a nasty smile on his face.

I know Ming is handsome but he is way too overconfident about his sorry-ass-face.

"Asshole, all you care about is your shitty face", I rolled my eyes.
He sure has a lot of mood swings, must be on his periods. 😏

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