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  "Hi", he said smiling.

   "Um, Hii"

   " Can I have your number ? "

  Okay, apart from being freaking hot, he is way too bold.

  "Do I know you?" I replied with an emotionless face even though I already liked how bold he was.

    "Not yet, I wanted your number so that we could get a chance to know each other, I'm Joss, whats your name? "
   I was taken aback by his confidence.

  "And what gives you the confidence that I am interested to get to know you?" I asked him with a cold stare.

   " Because your eyes are telling me that you want it too" he gave me a flirtatious smile.

I couldn't utter a word I could feel my cheeks burning. How could someone be so confident and handsome at the same time.

  "So will you tell me what's your name, my ears are dying to hear it"

  Oh God. I don't know but they way he is flirting with me right now suddenly makes me happy.

"His name is Wayo."

But then again nothing lasts forever and happiness for me is something that never seems to last even for a second.

I turned around and saw Asshole Phana and his friends standing infront of our table.

"His name is Wayo and HE IS GAY" he said with a smirk and he clearly emphasized on the word gay.

All my happiness drained the moment I saw him and heard rotten words coming from his rotten mouth.

  "So what's wrong with being gay, atleast I'm not a bitch like you, eavesdropping and meddling up in people's life ASSHOLE"

I swear if Ming hadn't had his arms around me right now, I would have knocked him off.

  "Why don't you use that mouth of yours to suck some dicks rather that talking, since that's your speciality LADYBOY"

  I don't remember when I pushed Ming and rushed to kill Phana. I landed a punch right on his fucking face. I could feel myself burning with anger. He nearly fell. But before I could do anything more, I was dragged out of the cafeteria by Joss.

  My senses aren't working right now, Im burning in rage and all I want to do right now is rip off that asshole's head.

Joss brought me to a nearby park, I don't mind him being here and I don't know where Ming is. I feel bad for pushing him so hard earlier.

"Have you cooled down now" He asked me.

  " I don't know, why do I even have to deal with this right now" I sighed.

"Do you like him?"

I was taken back by his question.

"What? What makes you think that I like him?"

"Just, I don't know the way you reacted I guess..... I mean you seem like someone who has already come in terms with who you are. And by now people like us who have accepted who they are, shouldn't be affected by what people say about us, so it simply means that either you are in denial or he is someone
whom you deeply care about. But these are just my assumptions. But if it is true than what people whom you don't care about say about you shouldn't bother you right. You know what I'm trying to say right. "

I couldn't come up with any answer because he was right. I have been hurt to a point that I feel numb to what others say about me and my preferences. But I lost it today. I lost my patience.

After a long silence I finally decided to speak.

" I used to love him and I'm bisexual actually". Right now I just need someone to talk to.

  "So I guessed it right, but it seems like you still love him though, the way his words bothered you..."

"I don't know, he is a homophobic asshole, and I hate him, it's not the first time he made me feel like this,... useless"

He was quite, seemed like he was waiting for me to talk about it, and I felt glad that he was ready to listen to me.

  "He was my senior in highschool, I had this huge crush on him and I don't know when my crush turned into love. I loved him so much that it became impossible for me to keep it a secret, so I decided to tell him.
I should have known that he was not interested in me, but I was a fool back then. I confessed my love for him on the day he graduated, he reacted the same way he did today, but it felt as if someone stabbed me a thousand times. I was too weak back then and his words affected me a lot honestly it still does. But that's not even the worst part.

I CAN'T FALL IN LOVE WITHOUT YOU Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin