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  I can't hold it any longer, and on top of that this fucking asshole keeps on staring at me. I have to get out of here before something bad happens.

"P'Kit, P'Forth, P'Beam, we are really sorry but we really can't join you guys right now, we have a lot to do, We are heading out first, sawadee khrab" I said grabbing Ming and dragged him out of the restaurant without looking back.

"hey, Yo, thanks, it was getting suffocating inside"

I looked at Ming and his eyes were full of sadness.

"Yeah, whatever Romeo🙄, where do you wanna go now, we still have a lot of time left" I tried to change the topic.

"How about we watch a movie, let's go on a date..... Oh wait, aren't we on a date right now" he grinned, I'm already used to him flirting.

"Well than it's on you, I won't be spending a penny on someone as ugly as you."
  "hah! You're just jealous of my handsome face Yo"

Yeah, right as if I have nothing else to do in this world 🙄.

We decided to watch a movie and we ended up dining outside.
Ming headed towards his house after dropping me home. I was so tired that I fell asleep right after I hit the bed.

       NEXT DAY

  I was on my way to the dorms. It was the beginning of a new life for me, new opportunities, maybe who knows I might find love.

Even after all that has happened to me I still haven't lost hope in love, I still believe that someday I will fall in love with the right guy who will treat me right. And atleast now I have learned to be patient.

I remember the first time I fell in love. It sure wasn't love at first sight but it sure was the only love that I would have risked my everything for, but that was two years ago. I have grown a lot and learned a lot.

Now if someone asks me if I could go back and change one thing in my life, it would be the day I realised that I loved you, loved you so much that it still hurts.

Even though I still have hope, hope to be loved and love, but it is really hard for me to let someone in, and allow them to see me in my most vulgar state.

  I still have a lot of trust issues. And it's not like I haven't tried to let people in and to love again, but it is still very hard for me. Even though I don't love him anymore, infact I hate him.

I still can't love or trust anyone.

Every word that he said still rings inside my head, continuously reminding me that I am not meant for love.


Phana was shocked, it was his graduation day and I had just confessed my love to him.

He suddenly started laughing.

"Are you out of your mind? What makes you think that I can ever think of liking a THING like you, loving you is out of the question"

He suddenly grabbed me by my arms and squeezed it, his eyes were filled with anger and disgust.

"FUCKING FAGGOT!!!  You disgust me, you don't even deserve to be in a place like this, why don't you just kill yourself instead of polluting this world, fucking cock sucker"

Ever word felt like thousands of knife stabbing me, killing me but not allowing me to die.

What followed after that was worst than any nightmare I can ever dream of.


  But now it's completely useless to think of it. I am much happier and in a much better place now. Even though I will attend the same university as him but now things have changed, I have changed and it's not like I will see him everyday.

I CAN'T FALL IN LOVE WITHOUT YOU Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang