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We are meeting Beam and Forth today and I was looking forward to it until a couple of hours ago, when Jane showed up infront of my room, well she is my present girlfriend, and I'm getting bored of her already.

This is my longest relationship till now, I have been dating her for the past six weeks. I don't know but I find it really hard to commit to someone in a relationship. And it's not like we are a lovey-dovey couple or any thing, I am with her because of my needs and she's with me because of the popularity she gets out of it. We both are far from being in love, and now she's getting annoying with each passing day. I have started to ignore her, not like she cares, she only likes to show-off about our relationship.

  It's as if dating me, for her is a trophy to show off her achievements. But I can't blame her I'm too handsome 😏.

Commitment, love and responsibility are just things that I can't afford right now. So seems like its time to break up before it gets messy . But I don't want to go through it right now.

Jane wants to join us today I was going to decline her but then Kit showed up with his girlfriend, Preaw. And now I have no choice but to allow her  to come along with us I don't want to be rude to her infront of others.

  So here we are the four of us on our way to meet our friends.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, Forth seemed to be annoyed that we brought our girlfriends with us but it's not like we had a choice, we headed towards them and Jane seemed to keep on flirting with me,
more than any other days, well she is my girlfriend but its unlike her because she normally flirts with my friends  which is more than the attention she gives me, but it seems like having Preaw among us who is constantly being pampered by Kit is making her jealous.

We were standing in front of Forth's and Beam's table because we weren't supposed to stay for long so we preferred standing while Kit was talking to someone behind us, their conversation was more interesting than my girlfriend right now.

  "Oh my God! Nong Yo, my brother Yo"

Wait, is Kit talking about that ugly gay Yo who had a crush me. I was curious so I turned towards them.



Did my heart just skip a beat, seeing Nong Yo's beautiful face.

Wait did I just think that he is beautiful.
Well I can't deny that he has turned out to be really ummmmmmmmm

 Well I can't deny that he has turned out to be really ummmmmmmmm

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Well I can't deny it, he used to be so ugly back then.

And why is my heart beating so fast right now. Am I out of my mind. I really should find a new girlfriend . Maybe being with Jane for six whole weeks has made me so desperate  enough to check  on a ladyboy.

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