Only Fools Fall For YOU

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Every minute feels like a million years. I ended up waiting for Ming, I have already finished my portion of the meal  but my lovely dick friend is intentionally taking a million years to finish his food.

He is way too desperate to see his love. 😒

Even though he is acting all innocent, I know that he is doing this on purpose. I get it that he really wants to see P'Kit but I don't want to see that Phana right now. I know that its inevitable, I can't always prevent such unlucky encounters but why does it have to be today, why not after maybe a hundred thousand years😣😣😣 uhhhhhhhhh...

"Ming, finish it fast please I'm not feeling well" I used my puppy eyes infront of him. Its my ultimate weapon. My dad always falls for it. And Ming you can't say no. 😏

  "Ai'Yo, don't make stupid excuses, I'm not falling for it, I promise it won't take long, I just need to take one long glance at him and we are out of here" now he is the one who is using his puppy eyes infront of me😒.

  "Uhhh! Okay but we are not going to stay for long"

Damn why do I have to be the one who has to give in to his demands.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay with it? P'Pha is also coming."

I'm surprised you even bothered to ask Ming. I rolled my eyes.

"I really don't care about that loser, it's just that I don't wanna ruin my mood because of him".

Just as I had even finished my sentence, the restaurant door sprung open, and a handsome guy with dimples holding hands  with a very beautiful girl walked in and they were followed by an ugly ass faced tall dick😒 and a very beautiful and sexy girl.

As soon as they walked in I glanced at Ming. The sight of P'Kit holding hands with a girl really was too much for him.

He was very hurt and disappointed. I could see tears forming in his eyes. As he looked away from the couple. I had never seen my best friend so vulnerable. He is the type of guy who normally never shows his feelings, and is very good at hiding them but right now things are different. I feel bad for him.

"Hey Kit, why do you guys have to come in pairs? Why didn't you tell us that you were planning to go on a double date." P'Forth complained.

The four of them passed our table, they didn't seem to notice us. It's actually good I don't want their attention right now.

" Ming let's get the hell out of here", I pulled my half dead friend off his seat.

But before we could leave P'Beam saw us, "Nongs, why are you leaving come here".

P'Kit turned around and looked at us with a blank expression seems like he didn't recognise us while the other asshole didn't even bother to turn around, he thinks too high of himself.

"Sawadee P'" , we greeted P'Kit, of course just him why would I waste my energy greeting those who don't deserve it😏.

"And you are?" P'Kit really didn't recognised us😔.

Well I couldn't blame them, both Ming and I had changed a lot.

  During our school days we both were two ugly nerds with braces, ugly pimples and thick glasses.
And now.

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After we were left heart broken, we focused on ourselves, we both signed in for Muay Thai classes and switched to lenses and we took off our braces that we got together at eight grade

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After we were left heart broken, we focused on ourselves, we both signed in for Muay Thai classes and switched to lenses and we took off our braces that we got together at eight grade. As for our pimples, well with healthy lifestyle comes healthy skin😉.

  "Kit, don't you recognize our Nongs too bad, look at how disappointed they are" P'Forth pointed at Ming's dead face, he looked liked as if he was going to burst into tears any minute now.

"Get hold of yourself Ming, you can't break down right now" I poked Ming and to my surprise he instantly brightened up, he sure is really great at hiding his feelings unlike me who can't stop making angry faces even if I "accidentally" stare at that assholes back which is facing us and who is busy taking to his date right now.

Ming was smiling right now, "P'Kitkat, I'm really hurt right now, you don't remember me"

"Shiya, Ming look at you, woow, you have really changed haven't you and why the hell are you calling me kitkat you asshole," P'Kit was shocked to see Ming's transformation, Kitkat was the name which Ming used to tease our dear P'Kit during our school days and it always gets on his nerves.

P'Kit glanced at me" And you must be this asshole Ming's boyfriend "

Everybody started laughing well not everybody because that flirt was busy flirting with the two beautiful girls besides him that he was not really paying attention to our conversation, and I don't care even if he does.

" Awwwweee P'Kit you really don't recognise me, you are so cruel" I cried well not literally.

Well it took him a few seconds to realise his mistake and recognise me as his Nong and not Ming's boyfriend.

"Oh my God!! Nong Yo! My brother Yo, wooh look at you, did you guys used black magic or something like that you guys are unrecognisable now"

I really wasn't paying any attention to Phana but the moment he heard my name, he turned around and now he is staring at me, God I really want to punch his face soo hard right now.


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