is it too much?

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(an: i don't really think i've described how josh looks before, so before we get into this chapter i'm gonna tell u!! he looks like a mixture of jordan dun and jacob bixenman. considering u probably won't know who they are, i will include photos below!)

left - jacob, right - jordan

shut up i know they look very similar okay now read the story an over

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shut up i know they look very similar okay now read the story an over


alec walked home from josh's. it was almost one am, and was freezing out. he could've stayed the night, but he didn't want to cause josh any extra hassle.
josh had acted a little strangely when magnus was mentioned. maybe they had some history he didn't know of. but he could sense some sort of negative reaction when he checked his phone.

alec stepped quietly through his back door and sneaked into his room.

to find izzy sitting on his bed.

"where were you all night, brother dear?"
"iz, it's one am. it's not that late."
"i'm joking, i know you were at josh's. just wanted to know if...he knows."
alec swallowed. "no. not yet. but i feel like there's something josh is trying to tell me. he was acting pretty strange tonight if i'm honest."
isabelle raised her eyebrow. "oh? please do tell."
"he- any time i mentioned magnus, or something like, about relationships, he'd get really uptight. like i asked him how caitlin was doing and he said he loves her so much but there's something missing. he also kept being really quiet, which was odd."

knew it, thought izzy.
alec is completely oblivious.
josh is in love with him.

she didn't want to tell alec herself; she would give josh that chance. but she honestly didn't understand how alec couldn't see it. sometimes, her brother really did fit the stereotype of dumb jock.
"ah...i see..."
"you see what?"
"huh? nothing! have a good night!" gushed isabelle, smiling and abruptly leaving the room.

alec sighed.

what was up with everyone being so weird with him lately??


The OG Squad ✨✨:

bluebellcat: Well someone's in a good mood. Texted Raph first??
rasputinraph: this is why i dont like people
rasputinraph: also magnus why the fuck did you set my name as this

magnus smiled. it was the first time in a long time that he had properly been able to contact his friends, and all because of his new boyfriend. he was so happy with his life. there was literally nothing that could go wrong.

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