¹☆Chapter 8☆

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We've been sitting on the bleachers for a while. mike got impatient and ran somewhere. then he came back.

"There gone" He folded his arms

"What?" Lucas looked up at him.

"Nancy and Jonathan there gone his car isnt here." Mike huffed.

"There probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin shrugged it off.

"Gross." Lucas looked at Dustin. What kind of...,Never mind.

"No. No way!" Mike exclaimed.

"Did they go with the chief?" I asked

"I don't know?" Mike looked at me like I was stupid.

"No" El spoke.

"What did you see them? Do you know where they went?" mike questioned turning to looke at her.

"yes" she softly said

"Where? Where did they go?" He said quickly.


ah shit.

"Guys guys! this is crazy" Mike spoke. "We cant just wait around!" He fussed.

"Mike, incase you forgot were still fugitives." lucas remarked. "The bad men are still looking for us"

"What do you want us to do anyway?" I stood up and walked over to him.

"Yeah, And we dont even know where your sister is." Dustin's chimed in raising his voice.

"El can find them" Mike said innocently.

"Mike look at her!" I pointed to the girl who was curled up hugging her knees and rocking back and forth.

"She has a point. And I think we should stick to the chiefs plan!" Dustin defended.

"Exactly!" I threw my hands up in the air and let them fall.

"yeah, we stay here, keep el out of sight and keep her safe!" lucas agreed with Dustin and I. "That's the most important thing remember?"

"Besides shes ok shes with Jonathan." I Stated "He did beat the crap out of steve" i added to my own statement.

"Yeah, and she's kinda a badass too now." Dustin agreed with me. "Not as bad ass as Y/n When she broke Troy's arm with her bair hands" he looked over to me. His blue eyes sparkling in admiration. I never realized how gorgeous his eyes are. it's like I can get Lost in them.


I took my eyes off Dustin. He motioned for me to follow him so I did. "I though you said we need to stick to the chiefs plan?" Mike yelled after us.

"We are were just going to get some chocolate pudding" he yelled back.

I gasped and let out a tiny squeak.

I quickly covered my mouth in embarrassment from the random noise of excitement. Dustin's giggled.

"What's so funny" I asked him.

"That was adorable." He laughed some more.

"I-I-" I couldn't speak my face headed up and I just kept my eyes on my feet.

Dustin giggled some more.

we reached the door and Lucas had followed us. Dustin looked at him.

Dustins Pov

"Lucas dude go away" I whispered so that Y/n couldn't hear me.

"What why?" Lucas whispered back to me.

Dustin Henderson x Reader ☆Stars☆ /Stranger things/Where stories live. Discover now